boardsbeginnerI <3 Peeps
100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Texan Vixen
Anna (Mar 26, 2005)
Especially the pink ones. ^_^
Anna (Mar 26, 2005)
drawn in 19 min
Kenshin (Mar 26, 2005)
They make me want to barf x_x
They are pretty, though :D
You did well on the sparklyness
manda23 (Mar 26, 2005)
TheCrimsonKing (Mar 26, 2005)
I'll have to agree. Though I've only had yellow ones....
Such an edible image. ^_^
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 26, 2005)
aww whatta pretty pink peep! I like to squooosh them and then throw them away :D.
kejoco (Mar 26, 2005)
This peep does look pretty squishy...
do the pink ones taste any different than yellow peeps??
Anna (Mar 26, 2005)
nope. at least not to me. lol I just like pink. Marcello told me that he is badass. :-D
natsuki (Mar 26, 2005)
How Cute!
davincipoppalag (Mar 26, 2005)
Lol...didn't someone draw a nice one of these on our old site? I think they did. This is so."peeps" lookin lol
emmamommalag (Mar 26, 2005)
Looks all sugary, just like a real one. I don't like them either but this is cute.
shadowcrumb (edited Mar 26, 2005)
This is such a cute little PEEP!!! I don't like candy though, I LOVE SALT AND GREASE!!!! Hee Hee. A friend of mine can eat a whole dang box of peeps without puking, I don't understand. You would think those things would expand and you would blow up **><**
StrawberryYamichan (Mar 26, 2005)
Omfg 19 minutes? No way! That looks so real and sparkly and so marshmallowy. Oh I can't wait for Easter tomorrow! You just made my day, Anna ^_^
Anna (Mar 26, 2005)
:-D Happy Easter, Strawberry! and everyone!!
Nightmare (Mar 26, 2005)
My beloved peeps. Those things are the only reason I celebrate Easter anymore.
Anna (Mar 26, 2005)
./spank Cello.. >:)
Knockoff (edited Mar 27, 2005)
Nuu uhh. Yellow peeps are better. <3

And yes. I did say it. YELLOW is better. :D
Anna (edited Mar 26, 2005)
:-O I knoooow you did not just say that!!

Edit.. err type* :-P
ky (Mar 27, 2005)
My favorite. Wonderful job on the Peep.
pulmonq2 (Mar 27, 2005)
peeps are yummy. You captured the sugary goodness of a peep nicely.
sincity (Mar 27, 2005)
Pretty pink peeps. My favs are the chocolate malt balls. MMMMMMM! Cool lookin' peepster there. :}>
cyclops (Mar 27, 2005)
i never had "peeps" before....but i do like pink...great pic anna
flopsymopsy (Mar 27, 2005)
What's a peep? and why didn't you do a pink bunny for Easter? *sobs*
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