boardsbeginnerHappy easter.
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drawn in 11 min with OekakiBBS
Eggie (Apr 19, 2003)
Jesus Who?
What's he got to do with anything?
Eggie (Apr 19, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Minitsaru (edited Apr 20, 2003)
......i now hate and despise this picture......

withought Jesus and the Catholic religion there would be NO easter!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eggie (edited Apr 21, 2003)
I was being ironic...or sarcastic or somthing...

I hope you were joking too...
darkk_angel (edited Apr 22, 2003)
ITS A CHOCOLATE BUNNY!! I MUST EAT IT!! happy easter too.....
quintessence (edited Apr 22, 2003)
Haha, Jesus who. Nice pic. I'd hate Easter if I didn't get those little chocolate bunnies... yum.
Doodlibop (edited Apr 24, 2003)
lol. ^-^ makes lot's of sense. easter is a pagan holiday. It has NOTHING to do with Jesus's ressurrection. So if a Christian observes Easter Sunday, they are worshipping a diety by the name of Estrer (spelt it wrong) HAHAAlol!
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