[edit]How about if you post the link of Zack's ref pic in your description? (u know, instead of going back to the 'How About This?' topic in the forum to check back on it--just a thought). Make it easier for people, ya know. [/edit]
yeah totally great job...you got the mood down for sure. the only small thing i would hve added would be some bolder scratchy like marks on the pane of glass in front of the couple so they look more behind it. but woo for her hair
drawn in 31 min
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drawn in 19 min
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drawn in 3 min
drawn in 4 min
[edit]How about if you post the link of Zack's ref pic in your description? (u know, instead of going back to the 'How About This?' topic in the forum to check back on it--just a thought). Make it easier for people, ya know. [/edit]
drawn in 14 min