forums2draw.netMy drawing has gone missing!
TromKehra (Feb 12, 2005)
I sumbited my art work from the lascaux Sketch, I wasn't finished with it so I sumbited it unfinished, so my brother could get some work done. I was wondering what happened to my drawing! It dissappeared :(!!!
davincipoppalag (Feb 12, 2005)
look in your studio
or it got deleted
TromKehra (edited Feb 12, 2005)
.... It got deleted... but why? There wasn't anything wrong with it, it was just a fan art picture of Dark from DNA.... ;_;. It was really good too! ::GASP!:: THERE IT IS!!! THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! ::Hugs!::
davincipoppalag (Feb 12, 2005)
I dont know..sometimes theres a comment in your points log where the points were removed.
TromKehra (Feb 12, 2005)
I found it thanks again sooooooo much!!!
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