clowangel (Feb 8, 2005)
What the title says. ^^ This is my first time doing this kind of thing.. So..yeah.. I was fooling around with the advance thing. And the timer isn't right. It took me about 15 minutes longer than that..but I accidentally pressed something and had to press 'back' so the timer refreshed. -_-
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drawn in 34 min
drawn in 3 min
Thanks, Lee! ^^ Even though this says finished.. I think I'm going to come back and edit it in the future when I find something missing. =)
drawn in 10 min
Edit: If you're wondering about the stars I mentioned. O_o; They came out looking a bit weird..so they're gone. haha. Either I'm going to figure out how to add them to make them look more natural later, or they're entirely gone.
drawn in 8 min