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drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Unhealthy_Obsession (Feb 7, 2005)
I quickly scribbled this now that I got the hang of it! ^^ What do you think? Since I STILL don't know much about Oekaki, I only did part of his face. XP
Unhealthy_Obsession (Feb 7, 2005)
drawn in 13 min
Maiko (Feb 7, 2005)
Pretty nice, but you might want to spend more time on your pictures..... (mods and the marcy don't like scribbles O_O;;)
^__^ hmm you don't mind if I give you some pointers, right? :\ (don't get offended please, i'm only trying to help)
well first of all, the left eye (eye on the right side) is a bit looks like the eyeball is rolled to the side while the other eye is looking straight, the nose is a bit crooked, and noseholes are a tad too close together, resembling Orochimaru ~_~; the lineart could be cleaner and your use of screentone is a bit uhmm..plain? oh and, do you know how to use layers? o-o;; If you don't, memo me, and i'll explain. ^__^;
but you're doing pretty good for a second(?) oekaki.
clowangel (Feb 8, 2005)
Sasuke..ka? o-o; Eto.. What Wasil said I want to say as well. You really need to spend more time on your pictures. 13 minutes isn't enough to draw something really decent when it comes to anime and manga.
Kenshin (Feb 10, 2005)
I like the eyes a lot :3 I think it's cute, in a weird way XD Sasuke... Uchiha?
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