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drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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mazi (Jan 18, 2005) — edit
i think this is my new personal best.

just a little note to let you guys know that im actually alive and just uber busy. i will return someday. aka when school lets up and i finally go to bed at normal hours.

-t3h mazi
mazi (Jan 18, 2005)
drawn in 19 min
Punky (Jan 19, 2005)
ack, i know the feeling, school sucks. You hafta wake up SO early just to get to be cramped up all day in a little box with 29 other kids, with some lady teaching us about skills that will probably be useless later in life. LIke how to make a clock powered by a lemon. But a lemon clock tis funky, so whatever. My math teacher is evil! anyhoo, nise piccy, the cuteness is unbearably huggable. haha, boxers on his head. but it looks good on him. Seriously. And i hope your not so busy in the future. ^_^
Zack (Jan 19, 2005)
Ehehe. Nice.

Boxers probably make good cold-weather headgear.
Asridaein (Jan 19, 2005)
This is what I felt like this morning when I had to get up at 6;20 am. Argh, getting up early truly sucks. But I have to so oh well. Also nice boxers. I like the hearts on them.
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