Thanks Dave, I would have spent more time on this but I don't feel like wasting 4 hours painting a dick-fart like Bill. I think people get the general idea.
Zack: Perhaps it's time to move onto middle-aged women, drawing them that is. HIOOOOOO!
Turtle: Bill has been proven to fabricate, stretch the truth and lie on several occasions. You don't have to watch Right Wing or Left Wing news to find that out, it's objective news that most people are aware of. There is plenty of documentation on the matter, let me know if you need assistance finding it. As well, anyone who watches Fox News and honestly believes they're getting unbiased and valid news is brainwashed.
o don't actually watch TV at all unless i'm at work, and fox news is the preset station... but virtually everyone is biased and Bill is wonderfully not ashamed to be conservative when it's almost 'taboo'. unless u believe the whole load of shit about him and that lady executive.
Regardless if Bill did harass that executive or not (they have evidence that he did), he has little integrity as a journalist or even a political commentator. Again, he's fabricated and lied several times, he can't hold an interview without interrupting 10 or more times and he cuts microphones off when he is loosing an argument. He's a puppet and Rupert Murdoch is the puppet master. Fox News is made by idiots for idiots!
Being conservative is almost 'taboo'? So, because he's not ashamed of being 'taboo' that's wonderful? Great, you know cannibalism, Satanism and bestiality are taboo too, those rebels really do deserve are overwhelming, albeit, blind support.
In a nutshell, conservatives like O'Reilly are fearful. Conservatives are easily persuaded by fear and power, as per years of evidence, the most current era starting with Reagan. Conservatism is the last gasp of the ignorance and hate that America's 'Four Father's' left behind, the very same people who gave us slavery, extermination of the Native Americans and segregation.
I'm not about to jump on the "nationalists bandwagon" just because over 50% of the country did. If conservatives care about America so much, why do they support it's destruction? That is, how does war and corporate takeover help the common American?
Why do conservatives care more about morals than education and the economy? How can an uneducated person have morals when education brings understanding of morals to fruition? The very fact that education is not the Republicans/conservatives best quality should be a big wake up call to everyone....but no! You can't wake people up when the majority of the country is uneducated, hysterical and brainwashed.
lol "Fox News" the fucking channel !!
they send a very bad image of the U.S.A., Violence , psycopath and more to scare american for wearing weapon !!
The Americans are crazy , 11000 dead by guns/year , in France its 66 dead by guns/year
no, conservtives are vastly outnumbered; people who vote conservatives are not. If u want to make out of point comparisons about ideology i will to. Bill is a middle-aged man and I'm aware that somewhere on this planet is a very wise and moral middle-aged man. therefore Bill O'Reilly must be wise? ya, no more of that.
Who said conservatives care more about morals than the economy/educational system? O ya, some pissed off Democratic polotician who was arguing for support from his democratic party. After all, most people are far too short sighted or self-serving to realize or accept that taxation is a necessary part of growth, and that everyone has the right to keep the same percentage of their money.
As for the state of or educational system? Guess what? Funding is decided by State. If you want a better education for your kids nobody is stopping you from finding a private shool, requesting grants, joining the school board. Polotics are almost everything in this country but that doesn't mean a person can sit punch a hole through a paper once every four years and then blame the government if their life doesn't take a turn for the best.
Morals come from the Parents, and if you have a sense of religion, from that as well. Morals aren't taught in school, they're learned at home.
Saying conservatism is taboo or they're outnumbered makes little sense, where are you getting your facts? If conservatives were "vastly outnumbered" Kerry would be our president. Hell, we might even have an Independent in the White House (even then that's doubtful). As for O'Reilly being wise, what are you taking about? I think you tried to counter my analogy but yours is out of context.
Who says conservatives care about morals? Who? CONSERVATIVES DO! THE POLLS DO! What more do you need? Just look up Bush, conservative or Republicans online, morals issues are number one on the conservative hit list! This is no argument, just the facts.
State does control education (although there is more to it than that but I digress), and as I said, education is not the Republicans/conservatives bright spot. If you look at the current educational ranks, almost every conservative state is ranked poorly (the South alone takes over most of the bottom rankings), whereas many of the strongest Democratic and Independent party states are in the top 10! You can't rant your way out of facts like that.
Everyone gets some morals from parents, not all. I never made a point of that but I addressed it anyway. MY point was this "How can an uneducated person have morals when education brings understanding of morals to fruition?"
What's the good of having a morally sound idiot? I know, they can easily be persuaded to fight wars. Just strengthen and at times question an idiots moral base and they'll do anything you want. Mystery solved.
i suggest u re-read my entire comment; you obviously read the frist line of every paragraph. I aid people who VOTE conservative are ni the moajority and the 'counter' i was trying to make was suggesting that your own comment along those lines was out of context. 'morals to fruition"? what does that even mean? Society will teach people, and yes, education is part of society but only to a degree.
The great thig about opinionated people is that they will never really listen to what the other person hsa to say. Mystery solved.
First off, I suggest you get a dictionary. And YES, I read all of your comments in FULL! YOU need to re-read what I've said: "Saying conservatism is taboo or they're outnumbered makes little sense, where are you getting your facts? If conservatives were "vastly outnumbered" Kerry would be our president."
MOST people who voted for Bush are conservative, look it up online, as I suggested before! Or we can use your logic "no, conservatives are vastly outnumbered; people who vote conservatives are not." Do you have a different definition for conservatism or something? Where are you getting your information? Next you're going to tell me that most of the people who voted against gay marriage aren't homophobes.
"The great thing about opinionated people is that they will never really listen to what the other person has to say. Mystery solved." Almost everything I've said has some type of logical, factual backing to it and I've countered almost everything you've said, you on the other hand have said things like this:
"Who said conservatives care more about morals than the economy/educational system? O ya, some pissed off Democratic politician who was arguing for support from his democratic party."
"Morals come from the Parents, and if you have a sense of religion, from that as well. Morals aren't taught in school, they're learned at home."
"Society will teach people, and yes, education is part of society but only to a degree."
Those, as well many other statements you've made, lack any support and justify nothing. YOU are the opinionated one, you are the OPINIONATOR! Beware of the unsupported ranting of the OPINIONATOR, corrupting the minds of idiots everywhere. I noticed you only touched on a couple things I said this time around, I assume you either can't counter my facts or maybe some of what I've said has actually sunk in.
Now i'm ranting? I'm the calm one here; defending rather than attacking, as my posts seem to reflect.
facts? i need to use a reference to say that society includes education but isn't built on a government defined education? ok, how about history. does that count as a fact? schools didn't exist for the general public for the vast mafority of history. there, that's a fact. i shouldn't have to back that up.
What is your definition of "homophobe"? it's a made-up term that steams ignorance and describes nothing withstanding. I am against gay marriage, my vote reflects that. I don't consider a gay man or woman to be a 'bad person' based on their stance, just like i don't consider you to be a bad person for having opposing views for me. You can respect people without agreeing with them. I certainly don't fear homosexuals.
You love quoting me and making me sound ignorant, but whenever i say you've made a quote out of context you say something witty like "you can't counter me".
Some things you've said have sunk in. I am aware that bill exxagerates, and i admitted that earlier. i also said i didn't dislike him or like him because of that.
I'm not the one screaming and shouting about the problems we have, that would be you. i happen to agree with some of what is currently going on so i thought i'd stick up for it against you, the SCREAMER. but go ahead, make a would-be martyr of yourself because the great evil opinionator has come to oppress u with his political ideals of moralism.
And remember folks, we can all marry our brothers and sisters someday.
What's wrong with gay men or women marrying? How does that affect your life? Does it make your own marriage any worse? You're voting against something that does not even affect you (because I will assume you're not gay, based on your comments), yet you're highly opinionated about it. What's wrong with that?
Actually, homophobia is not a made-up word (or term) and you're proof of it's existence...I assume you wanted proof, you little detective you. I quoted you because it helps me make my point. You make statements with little explanation and/or your statements don't support your argument.
This statement definitely supports what I've said about you:
"i happen to agree with some of what is currently going on so i thoughti'd stick up for it against you, the SCREAMER. but go ahead, make awould-be martyr of yourself because the great evil opinionator has come to oppress u with his political ideals of moralism."
You agree with "what is currently going on", ok? What's so "agreeable" about what is going on? What exactly?
Morals and religion have made wars, some of the worst wars. When so many conservatives vote for the "moral and religious candidate", it's no wonder why the government is so corrupt. It's been proven mixing government and religion has been unsuccessful, that's why it's supposed to be separate. Leave it to the Republicans to blur the lines again.
Do you hear voices in your head? I say this because you said I'm "screaming and shouting" but that's not possible. I think you might have a mental illness, consider getting that checked out.
drawn in 1 hour 40 min
You're really good at drawing middle-aged white men. :P
Zack: Perhaps it's time to move onto middle-aged women, drawing them that is. HIOOOOOO!
Turtle: Bill has been proven to fabricate, stretch the truth and lie on several occasions. You don't have to watch Right Wing or Left Wing news to find that out, it's objective news that most people are aware of. There is plenty of documentation on the matter, let me know if you need assistance finding it. As well, anyone who watches Fox News and honestly believes they're getting unbiased and valid news is brainwashed.
Being conservative is almost 'taboo'? So, because he's not ashamed of being 'taboo' that's wonderful? Great, you know cannibalism, Satanism and bestiality are taboo too, those rebels really do deserve are overwhelming, albeit, blind support.
In a nutshell, conservatives like O'Reilly are fearful. Conservatives are easily persuaded by fear and power, as per years of evidence, the most current era starting with Reagan. Conservatism is the last gasp of the ignorance and hate that America's 'Four Father's' left behind, the very same people who gave us slavery, extermination of the Native Americans and segregation.
I'm not about to jump on the "nationalists bandwagon" just because over 50% of the country did. If conservatives care about America so much, why do they support it's destruction? That is, how does war and corporate takeover help the common American?
Why do conservatives care more about morals than education and the economy? How can an uneducated person have morals when education brings understanding of morals to fruition? The very fact that education is not the Republicans/conservatives best quality should be a big wake up call to everyone....but no! You can't wake people up when the majority of the country is uneducated, hysterical and brainwashed.
they send a very bad image of the U.S.A., Violence , psycopath and more to scare american for wearing weapon !!
The Americans are crazy , 11000 dead by guns/year , in France its 66 dead by guns/year
Sorry for Fault (im french)
Who said conservatives care more about morals than the economy/educational system? O ya, some pissed off Democratic polotician who was arguing for support from his democratic party. After all, most people are far too short sighted or self-serving to realize or accept that taxation is a necessary part of growth, and that everyone has the right to keep the same percentage of their money.
As for the state of or educational system? Guess what? Funding is decided by State. If you want a better education for your kids nobody is stopping you from finding a private shool, requesting grants, joining the school board. Polotics are almost everything in this country but that doesn't mean a person can sit punch a hole through a paper once every four years and then blame the government if their life doesn't take a turn for the best.
Morals come from the Parents, and if you have a sense of religion, from that as well. Morals aren't taught in school, they're learned at home.
Who says conservatives care about morals? Who? CONSERVATIVES DO! THE POLLS DO! What more do you need? Just look up Bush, conservative or Republicans online, morals issues are number one on the conservative hit list! This is no argument, just the facts.
State does control education (although there is more to it than that but I digress), and as I said, education is not the Republicans/conservatives bright spot. If you look at the current educational ranks, almost every conservative state is ranked poorly (the South alone takes over most of the bottom rankings), whereas many of the strongest Democratic and Independent party states are in the top 10! You can't rant your way out of facts like that.
Everyone gets some morals from parents, not all. I never made a point of that but I addressed it anyway. MY point was this "How can an uneducated person have morals when education brings understanding of morals to fruition?"
What's the good of having a morally sound idiot? I know, they can easily be persuaded to fight wars. Just strengthen and at times question an idiots moral base and they'll do anything you want. Mystery solved.
The great thig about opinionated people is that they will never really listen to what the other person hsa to say. Mystery solved.
MOST people who voted for Bush are conservative, look it up online, as I suggested before! Or we can use your logic "no, conservatives are vastly outnumbered; people who vote conservatives are not." Do you have a different definition for conservatism or something? Where are you getting your information? Next you're going to tell me that most of the people who voted against gay marriage aren't homophobes.
"The great thing about opinionated people is that they will never really listen to what the other person has to say. Mystery solved." Almost everything I've said has some type of logical, factual backing to it and I've countered almost everything you've said, you on the other hand have said things like this:
"Who said conservatives care more about morals than the economy/educational system? O ya, some pissed off Democratic politician who was arguing for support from his democratic party."
"Morals come from the Parents, and if you have a sense of religion, from that as well. Morals aren't taught in school, they're learned at home."
"Society will teach people, and yes, education is part of society but only to a degree."
Those, as well many other statements you've made, lack any support and justify nothing. YOU are the opinionated one, you are the OPINIONATOR! Beware of the unsupported ranting of the OPINIONATOR, corrupting the minds of idiots everywhere. I noticed you only touched on a couple things I said this time around, I assume you either can't counter my facts or maybe some of what I've said has actually sunk in.
facts? i need to use a reference to say that society includes education but isn't built on a government defined education? ok, how about history. does that count as a fact? schools didn't exist for the general public for the vast mafority of history. there, that's a fact. i shouldn't have to back that up.
What is your definition of "homophobe"? it's a made-up term that steams ignorance and describes nothing withstanding. I am against gay marriage, my vote reflects that. I don't consider a gay man or woman to be a 'bad person' based on their stance, just like i don't consider you to be a bad person for having opposing views for me. You can respect people without agreeing with them. I certainly don't fear homosexuals.
You love quoting me and making me sound ignorant, but whenever i say you've made a quote out of context you say something witty like "you can't counter me".
Some things you've said have sunk in. I am aware that bill exxagerates, and i admitted that earlier. i also said i didn't dislike him or like him because of that.
I'm not the one screaming and shouting about the problems we have, that would be you. i happen to agree with some of what is currently going on so i thought i'd stick up for it against you, the SCREAMER. but go ahead, make a would-be martyr of yourself because the great evil opinionator has come to oppress u with his political ideals of moralism.
And remember folks, we can all marry our brothers and sisters someday.
This statement definitely supports what I've said about you:
"i happen to agree with some of what is currently going on so i thoughti'd stick up for it against you, the SCREAMER. but go ahead, make awould-be martyr of yourself because the great evil opinionator has come to oppress u with his political ideals of moralism."
You agree with "what is currently going on", ok? What's so "agreeable" about what is going on? What exactly?
Morals and religion have made wars, some of the worst wars. When so many conservatives vote for the "moral and religious candidate", it's no wonder why the government is so corrupt. It's been proven mixing government and religion has been unsuccessful, that's why it's supposed to be separate. Leave it to the Republicans to blur the lines again.
Do you hear voices in your head? I say this because you said I'm "screaming and shouting" but that's not possible. I think you might have a mental illness, consider getting that checked out.