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quintessence (Apr 2, 2003) — edit
Sorry I couldn't think of a better background. :p
I like his hair, though.
quintessence (Apr 2, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Kazukie (edited Apr 2, 2003)
Looks orange to me. =P Just playin.. I like her expression. It looks like the I'm-better-than-you-so-back-off!!!!! expression. Very niec.
darkk_angel (edited Apr 2, 2003)
wow~ nice pic... like the bg lots!!
quintessence (edited Apr 2, 2003)
And of course I wouldn't know anything about the I'm-better-than-you-so-back-off expression. XD
Minitsaru (edited Apr 2, 2003)
lol niice =)
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 14, 2003)
Kazukie! It's a him! Yes his hair is great. It looks electric. ~zap~ hehe. yes, we are all very familiar with the I'm-better-than-you-so-back-off expression. :O (It's really awkward to type with the little - thingees! Wow!)
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