boardscollaborationsYou Get More to be Proud of in a Chevy! <Unfinished>
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drawn in 10 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
strangeoid (Dec 21, 2004)
In honor of finally getting my license.
This canvas seems like a behemoth to me. o.o

Gaw-lee, the proportions on this are hard. I will, however, fight with this until this is awesome.

EDIT: Three and a half years later, it's still sitting in my studio. The original reference was an old advert that I had framed, and lost in a move. If anybody wants to have a wack at it, you're more than welcome.
strangeoid (Dec 21, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 14 min
strangeoid (Dec 22, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 4 min
strangeoid (Jan 3, 2005)
drawn in 2 hours 27 min
strangeoid (Jan 8, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour
strangeoid (Jun 21, 2005)
drawn in 50 min
strangeoid (Mar 8, 2006)
drawn in 25 min
strangeoid (May 7, 2006)
drawn in 31 min
strangeoid (edited Jul 26, 2008)
drawn in 16 min
Cleaned it up and made a note. Green 1957 two-door Chevrolet Bel Air. (in-) Complete with advertising woman! Also, this picture might help.
strangeoid (Jul 26, 2008)
drawn in 17 min
Blocked out the things I'd forgotten.
davincipoppalag (Jul 26, 2008)
Wow.. look who's been here. You gonna finish this up? I like the Chebby so far
strangeoid (Jul 26, 2008)
drawn in 32 min
I may finish... It's a lot harder without the original reference, but I'll try! ^^
GoldDragonfly (Jul 26, 2008)
you are doing a great job here, i would love to see it finished, and even more if you dont have the original ref :O
strangeoid (Jul 27, 2008)
drawn in 45 min
Flubbles (Jul 27, 2008)
If i had the ref id give it a go, because im not the greatest at drawing cars from my head lol
strangeoid (Jul 27, 2008)
drawn in 56 min
Aakyra (Aug 5, 2008)
This is great! I will be checking the progress on this, and congratulations on getting your license!
tollstrup1693 (Jan 28, 2025)
Nice job
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