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drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
sincity (Dec 19, 2004)
Showing my age? Bored and couldn't think of anything to Draw so I had this old 60's Poster art booklet lying around. :} I just realized I went under the 2 hour limit for the advanced board. So if you wish to move this go ahead. <:}
sincity (Dec 19, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
K-Dizzle (Dec 19, 2004)
Hahahahahaahah.This is great...Reminds me of when I used to be a delinquent. :P
cyclops (Dec 20, 2004)
great job sin...i dont think peter parker is gonna be to happy thou...(O
davincipoppalag (Dec 20, 2004)
You da man..Mike.. this takes me back too..
thug (Dec 20, 2004)
Jobs, Joker, Bambu, Top, EZ Wider... and the king---Zig Zag. Oh the loss of memories!
spiritdweller (Dec 20, 2004)
nice job with those letters... and all... takes me back too... still indulge occasionally ;)
sincity (Dec 20, 2004)
I Just Got it, Peter Parker! HA! HA! Good one Cyclops! <:} Funny, haven't done any poster/Word art like that in sooooo long and as simple as it was, it was a pain to get it spaced just right. I thought oh, this will be a piece of cake, ( I forgot I set myself up on the advanced) Boy was I wrong. <:} My Brothersin should like this one also, he's a weeee bit older than me.
brothersin (Dec 21, 2004)
phphphphphhht...Drawh meh a mhirrorh whit some lines sand ha bohttle uf Jack and we haf duh whole thang...phhooooahhhh...weeze, cough,ha-ack...*runs to the kitchen for some water*. Woooo. Thanks man. :Q
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