boardsbeginnerYami Bakura and the Milleneum Ring

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drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
bakuraiscool (Nov 25, 2004)
bakuraiscool (Nov 25, 2004)
drawn in 14 min
seaanemone (Nov 25, 2004)
he is too cool! lol XD
Dagan (edited Nov 26, 2004)
Awww crap are you a Yugi-OH fanatic? I can't stand that book and i hate how they draw the main character's hair.
The cartoon can be quite entertaining , if you are like me and find everything hularious. Ex: A small number of people, trying to tell this girl to spend more time on her pics, start getting mad saying "why won't she listen?". If you look at this logically Bakuraiscool probably hasn't even checked for any comments yet ,since she has been so busy drawing so many 5-15 minute pics. Now that is extremely funny to me. So, is that just me? Anyone else find it funny or am I just weird?
seaanemone (Nov 26, 2004)
i find it... funny... in a weird way...
Kerokid2000 (edited Nov 26, 2004)
I AM SORRY BUT HOLY JEBLUS LISTEN TO THE COMMENTS! I REALLY DOn'T LIKE THIS! IT'S STUPID!!! 14 minutes....... AND YOUR COLORING SUX! SPEND MORE TIME! I MEAN TIHS IS OK FOR A BEGGINER BUT COOOME OOON! we are completely and totally tired of pictures that only took 14-3 minutes! i'm sorrty i had to be the one to say this BUT IT'S TRUE! EVERY TIME SOMEONE POSTS A PICTURE IT MOVE ALL THE OTHERS DOWN! SO NOW! NO ONE ELSE IS GONNA GET RECOGNITION FOR THERE !!!GOOD!!! !!!LABORIOUS!!! DRAWINGS! just stop it..... and like others have said.... get better THEN post... it's not like paper and pencil is expensive....... just stop it.... it's getting on everyones nerves........ and by the way... COLOR IN THE LINES YOU BABY!
p3ndragon (Nov 26, 2004)
lol @ Kerokid...
"Well stated?..."
Kerokid2000 (Nov 26, 2004)
Sorry, but HE needs to get it through his/her head!~
seaanemone (edited May 31, 2005)
she... needs to pay attention! :D
Knockoff (Nov 26, 2004)
I really think this person is blind.
Kerokid2000 (Nov 26, 2004)
BY the way her drawings look i believe so..... and yeah sorry.... didn't know if !it! was a she or not....
Hotaru-chan (edited Nov 26, 2004)
Saa. I think this is HILARIOUS~ If she doesn't read her comments, why bother commenting in the first place when you know she's gonna keep doing this to see your reactions? I'm not supporting her or anything, but not only is SHE spaming, but repeating your self over and over and over and over again to her satisfaction is kinda spamming too, so it's best not to say anything and have someone kick her out or some how freeze her account for a while for her to learn her lesson or something. If she still keeps on with this I say we all create an angry mob, go over to her house or apartment or alley or where ever the hell she lives, and litter her place with bad drawings.
p.s. I don't think she knows how to use layers, I just figured out how to use the layers near the end of the summer. > . >;;
p.p.s. It's not so great telling others how to do their work either.
p.p.p.s. I think I'm spamming too, and Knockoff, she's not physically blind, she's just sorta artistically blind OR she just draws okay on pencil and paper but has trouble drawing on the computer.
p.p.p.p.s. some of you people's old old old drawings took the same amount of time as bakuraiscool's work does.
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