Xodiak (edited Nov 21, 2004)
I was watching my collaboration with ILK and I noticed a strange thing. My lines in version 5 had changed when compared to version 4.
http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/32600/ They only become a little rougher, but I started to wonder why. I played the animation file to see if ILK did something and I saw that the animation viewer drew the lines as if I had originally drawn them like that. Then I realised that Shi Painter was updated lately and that revision 4 was made with the previous version of Shi Painter. To check if it affected more drawings, I watched the animations of drawings made with Shi-Painter who were more than 7 days old. The animation viewer showed most drawings with rougher lineart, messier colouring and other random glitches. When I tried to resume a drawing of mine which was made in Shi Painter before the last update, the same errors appeared. Therefore, I confirmed that the latest version of Shi Painter is not 100% compatible with the previous one. I know that Marcello is unable to do anything for this problem, but it was fun to report! >:D |XOD| |
seaanemone (Nov 22, 2004)
(O.o) (><) /_|_\ |
concannon (Nov 22, 2004)
It's true, it's not. -__- It screwed over an unfinished hidden picture I had of Oberon, from my school performance of A Midsummer Night's Dream. I had to delete it cause the lineart was all....eech. I don't like the updated version. Not that there's much that can be done about it. >__>
marcello (Nov 22, 2004)
I could downgrade again.
Hakkai (Nov 22, 2004)
Do that. I had to use Paint BBS instead of Shi Painter because of the upgrade. ;__;
Xodiak (Nov 22, 2004)
I wonder what will happen to the new Shi Painter drawings after the downgrade... HAHAHAHAHAHA! IT IS THE REVENGE OF LASCAUX! >8)
|XOD| |
inatyrb (Nov 23, 2004)
lol.. nice Xod. so is shi painter the recomended tablet then? I'm just wondering so i can get suggestions, understandings, and make improvements since that's basically what this place is for.
Anna (Nov 23, 2004)
lmao!!.. the revenge of Lascaux
Tablet? Actually Shi-Painter is a drawing applet.. like Lascaux. My personal opinion on the two would be: Use Lascaux for everything. kthx. :-P Seriously though... The only thing I like Shi for is the super smooth Pen tool. Makes lineart somewhat easier. Then again, I've only used Shi like 3 times. |
inatyrb (Nov 23, 2004)
yeah... that's what i meant. i'm having issues rememebering the right word...lol. ill get it right eventually., lol..
bumpinthenight (Nov 27, 2004)
this is why lascaux is god and shi is shit XD lmao XD shi suxorz because it makes random half circles and black boxes on layers when I add new layers... it sucks :P
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