Good job, but that sea witch is mean. Why not draw a puppy?
I cant emphasize my words in italics, but I will emphasize that this is your greatest line art triumph in all of history. Soon, you will not need me for the collabs anymore 0_0
There's a little bit of halo between the lineart and the background, most evident around her jaw and left arm. Also, the dark side of the cavern seems a bit haphazard. The combination of styles looks great though, just like a still from an actual animated film. This is excellent even without the consideration that it's your first major attempt at lineart.
drawn in 19 min
drawn in 24 min
thanks to hakkai and xodiak, from whom i watched countless animations to see if i could ever do it. hard as hell.
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 46 min
Nice work.
drawn in 23 min
I cant emphasize my words in italics, but I will emphasize that this is your greatest line art triumph in all of history. Soon, you will not need me for the collabs anymore 0_0
drawn in 42 min
drawn in 1 hour 18 min