Tis had to say, but I really like your style bumpinthenight, and since like you helped me before Im gonna let you colour it...but I gotta figure out how I can get the collab thing to work ^0^;;;;
yeah.... definately not done yet... ill restart lascaux soon... my tablet driver has been effed up by service pack 2 of winXP, so I've had uuber problems with lines XD does it look good so far?
Yaargh! I'm getting really fed up with my tablet... :P Its totally effing up on me... This never happened before service pack 2! Man, I long for the days of win 98 :P
nooo XD why did you put white spots on his eyes?! thats not the proper direction of light!! aaaaack <:O *dies* fufufu... XD please use a different layer for something like that next time XD
since the proper direction of light was completely ignored, I just randomly put in a background. so pretend the lion thing is having his picture taken in front of a board with a nice little background on it and that there is light coming from two completely different directions for the rest of his body... and say that they eyes have two little lights being shone into them that dont have any effect on the skin surrounding the body... oh well XD I tried... ^_^;; good collab teenzeh <:P I tried... XD
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