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drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
paccer (Nov 15, 2004)
tis is me going fast on biek!!.. OMG FASTTT.. whit rocketZ 'n' cool stuff!!1
paccer (Nov 15, 2004)
drawn in 13 min
LIEK... MABY 200MPH!!!1
Anna (Nov 15, 2004)
lmao. This makes me laugh.
Zack (Nov 15, 2004)
I was given a ticket by an officer while I was riding my bike once. Yeah. On my bike. The police in Gainesville are idiots.

This picture, however, is brilliant.
Anna (Nov 15, 2004)
ROFL!! Are you serious!??!
Zack (Nov 15, 2004)
Yes, I never knew a rolling stop on a bike at a deserted intersection on campus was so dangerous, but that kindly officer set me straight!

Next time they try that, I'm just going to haul ass and take an escape route down a few flights of stairs.
Anna (Nov 15, 2004)
hahahaha That is sooo ridiculous!
K-Dizzle (Nov 15, 2004)
hahahah...i know someone who was issued a ticket for riding past a stopped school bus...its those damn schools..they have the most hilariously retarded rules
davincipoppalag (Nov 15, 2004)
If I was a school bus driver, I would stop and turn the lights on, and wave the people behind me by. Then I would call and say they passed me and deny that I waved them by.. heheehhe
IkariIreuL (edited Nov 20, 2004)
I saw a guy who put a motor and other stuff in his bike
Make it look like this
Xodiak (edited Nov 20, 2004)
If you eat salami or beans... you can turn a regular bike into a turbo bike, without adding any parts! >:D
plasma_ooganator (Nov 24, 2004)
it is so stupid, but it is funny.
Knockoff (Nov 24, 2004)
Fire fire fire! :D
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