Thanks anna, my computer is feeling a little sick so i haven't been able to draw on here lately.
i drew this on my fathers laptop...wrote this message on the laptop too
hopefully i'll have my computer fixed soon and i'll be able to draw a few more for ya
thanks dav, i appreciate that thought.
my computer is actually working right now but i'm just waiting for it to lock up.
i really need to bring it in somewhere...if i get time
There is an epidemic of computers locking up.. my old one did that all the time.. I read that many of the lockups are caused by spyware and maybe there is a way to clean that crap forums there is a link someone put up (Zack ,I think), where you can scan free to see what you have.. I did it and it found 93 in the old machine!
drawn in 25 min
drawn in 40 min
You have everything to lose
She made herself a bed of nails
And she's planning on putting it to use"
i drew this on my fathers laptop...wrote this message on the laptop too
hopefully i'll have my computer fixed soon and i'll be able to draw a few more for ya
my computer is actually working right now but i'm just waiting for it to lock up.
i really need to bring it in somewhere...if i get time
drawn in 3 min