kickass! I love trippy looking pics like that. it looks liek a giant worm with arms and legs. and whats with the flowers on his tail and his antennaes?
Dagan: The flowers give him character.
Kenshin, Pam, and Dav: Thanks. ^-^ I hope they like him too. He looks so sad. But that's only because somebody stole his jelly doughnuts...
He looks so cute! <:D ISTINK will love him so much! And MELTME will melt all over him! <:)
You draw so cute drawings, beautiful colours without the need of outlines... NONAME looks very sweet! <:D
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drawn in 1 hour 18 min
Kenshin, Pam, and Dav: Thanks. ^-^ I hope they like him too. He looks so sad. But that's only because somebody stole his jelly doughnuts...
You draw so cute drawings, beautiful colours without the need of outlines... NONAME looks very sweet! <:D