This is very... serene. I enjoy looking at it alot, it's relaxing. Hey, have I ever told you that you are one of my mostest (lovely word) favorite artists?... Not only do you always have perfect execution of your work, but there's always that feeling in it. Some artists have the technique down, but not injecting the feeling, and some can show some feeling, with poor execution, but you have both goin' on. Okay, just thought I'd say that if I never have.
I think this is what the reflection of the beautiful sky that appears after a hurricane passes on the hood of a car parked near mizz staci's house looks like. I love all your stuff too! I look forward to the new ones like Christmas morning.
hmmm purdy colors but I dunno what it's the aftermath of either. Is that the shadow of someone up there in the window with a knife or something? or... just a house refecting in a swimming pool... or flooding.. It's really hard to tell, but it's really well done.
I can't tell you exactly what she was thinking... but I see it as the calm after the storm, period. And it really has the feeling of calm. It's relaxing... look at the sky... it's like an after-storm sky. It doesn't really matter what the STUFF is in the picture, you don't always have to analyze things and pick them apart. Just look at it and see what you feel. That's how you are supposed to view art, anyway.
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drawn in 41 min