Lost? Looks like he's finding his way around just fine to me. I can give him directions, if you like. This is steamy... and of course, I like it! *Blows kisses to Lori again*
this is amazing, i can't believe it only took you 1hour and 50 mins. You're like some sort of drawing machine made for drawing that draws all the time..........draw. can't wait to see whats next.
This would be a great painting to hang in your bedroom... whoooohooo I love it. I also have to say once more that I HATE YOU because you do this stuff so fast.... I work like a snail, I think. lol
Unlike DBA, I would not hang this in my bedroom, but I still think it is great and an tremendous insight into your talent. 1 hr 50 mins IS fast for this, and the size is great. I think this is one of your most show-offable pictures ever. I am very very impressed, even more than usual!
See what happens when I go on vacation? I miss all the good stuff!! This is wonderful lil missy! I love the tones and the brushstrokes and the composition, and everything!
Nyaaah *nosebleeds* lol, gorgeous piccy. I saw the thumbnail and i could have sworn it was jonny depp, hehe *melts* pretty, pretty, pretty picture. n_n
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drawn in 50 min
p.s. your art/style is one of my inspirations *giggle*
<(` .`<)
<(- .-<)
ah that makes me so happy
very bonita and great style. <3
drawn in 36 min
drawn in 24 min