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drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Fin_beast (Sep 19, 2004)
Used a reference as a guide.
Just thought i'd try and sketch something that I would be pleased with.
I need to develop a style or something to achieve a satisfactory grade in art.

Aswell... Just thought i'd say I got a fu*king E in art. I was pretty angry and upset because I was predicted a C.
I think the examiners thought I just clicked a button and my work came up. I don't think they knew how much effort I put in.
Maybe the examiners aren't farmilliar with digital art... Fu*king LamerZ... :|
Fin_beast (Sep 19, 2004)
drawn in 52 min
DinoFlorist (Sep 19, 2004)
whats an 'E' and if you have 'E's, what scale do you use? ABCD...E? Or does a C stand for like, "Commendable." If an E is like an F then you're right, thats crap, you deserve better than that.
sal (edited Sep 19, 2004)
c is average, most employers look for c grades or above... A+,A,B,C,D,E,F,G and U u is unclassified(a fail)

nice pic fin... ;)
Fin_beast (Sep 20, 2004)
sal: there is no A+ in A Levels and there is also no F and G.
sal (Sep 20, 2004)
was thinkin about gcse's for some reason.. lol
Fin_beast (Sep 20, 2004)
drawn in 33 min
Think it looks better now...
HotdogStandBoy (Sep 20, 2004)
Wow, did she come back up from the well or what? Shes gunna crawl out my computer screen *Scared*. No, jk, this is great! I like the sketchiness!
Fin_beast (edited Sep 20, 2004)
drawn in 2 min
Wow... a difference just with a bit of highlighting. :)
RokGolam (Sep 20, 2004)
i dont gat it.... do you do the sketch on the comp. or do you draw it on paper, then scan it or somethin
Fin_beast (edited Sep 21, 2004)
Rok: Everything you see on these boards are done on the computer.
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