what happened to v1? looked pretty kool.. but this looks really frakky... did you do the copying on one layer, or multiple layers? btw... You should try to blend her hair a tad bit more... Looks great otherwise!
Whoaa, if I'd been drinking I'd say... whoaaa... but since I haven't, I guess I'll have to give you credit for the effect this picture has. Very original and creative, as you always are. Glad to see ya! :)
You're friends alrighty! My God this is awesome! I am so impressed with the reproduction over and over and over again. Kinda reminds me of the old commercial, sure you have a headache, where the body sort of justs slinky's apart! EXCELLENT DRAW! = )
drawn in 1 hour 17 min
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
drawn in 7 min
This is really nice clox.