boardsbeginnerthis may be the last pucture you see from me....
watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 4 min with PaintBBS
Deathaisha (Aug 14, 2004)
this maybe the last pic you see from me because i plan to attempt sucide and suceed if you don't want me to die and i do you can thank these people on fanart and silver dreams well goodbye if i die!
Deathaisha (Aug 14, 2004)
drawn in 4 min
Gigandas (edited Aug 14, 2004)
Wait a sec, this is another joke like what Noremac pulled a while back right^^;;;???And if you're serious, I wouldn't risk my life over how I'm treated over the internet if I did at all.Well, even if you may be doing this as a joke and using this as an opportunity to get some attention, I'm gonna treat this as if you were serious and tell you this is definitely not worth it.There are much worse things in life than how someone treats you over the net.Trust me...^^;.So there're jerks in the world, what else is new?You gotta get over 'em.I may not know you but I care if anyone dies and I don't wanna see you do this to yourself if you're being serious.You'll probably thank me in the future if you read this and decide otherwise...
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Aug 14, 2004)
I read your profile and it sounds like you've had a problem or two in your little short life... certainly don't kill yourself before it has a chance to get better. It will get better.
spiritdweller (Aug 14, 2004)
well I can't sit here and act like I don't care, I do, but I think you're being stupid and you'll have some explaining to do to the Big Guy up there, He's not gonna be happy with you.... and if this is a joke, well... ya just don't screw with people's minds like that and expect to have friends when it's over
Noremac (Aug 14, 2004)
well suicide is an escape from what? next life you get to be screwed over more and more, if you decide to commit
fleeting_memory (edited Aug 14, 2004)
Suicide eh? How very selfish of you. You wont get pity from me, as cold as that sounds, because suicide (especially the broadcast kind in this case) is a stupid selfish act because the person commiting is to damn lazy to put up with life so they feel that they are justified to make everyone's life around them perfectly miserable by ending their own...I have many friends who are not stable and I have been through a HELL of a lot myself but guess what? We're still here. So get over yourself and quit being so damned selfish, the only person to blame for suicide is yourself, not two morons from the internet.
"no matter what you think, someone always has it worse than you"
hey and give this a glace: Psalm 40:1-3, here's what it says:
"I waited patiently fothe Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of dispair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walkealon. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be astounded. They will trust in the Lord."
You can try Romans 8:38 too but I'm not gunna type it here. It's the one that got me through the hospital
Anna (Aug 14, 2004)
*applauds fleeting_memory*
spiritdweller (Aug 14, 2004)
encore, Amen
Gigandas (Aug 14, 2004)
Well, not that I don't agree with the following comments, but you guys do realize this person is probably stilll "very" young right?Counting the maturity level into the equation here, this could be a bit harsh^^;.I mean, not everyone is mature to begin can cut back a little bit on those words....
spiritdweller (edited Aug 14, 2004)
speaking for myself...and I speak from experience with all sorts of mental torment, these are the types of things anyone who is suicidal needs to hear(see)... phhff... I feel for this person, and all they've endured thus far... but is their life any more difficult than that of any other? yes, ok, some have it pretty bad, but we ALL struggle to make it through life's ups and downs, and suicide should never be the answer to any problem... not only could someone end up very damaged should they not succeed, they are leaving behind their pain for all those who cared to have to feel from that moment on.... kids are real smart, Gig, and I think a person of any age and mentality could benefit from learning these things "Thou shalt not kill" it's that simple
Gigandas (Aug 14, 2004)
I dunno, I've met some who are completely clueless as to what they're saying though.I guess you're right though, they do need to hear it.It just seems to me like one of those problems that you have to wonder for a bit about before coming to a non-staggering answer.But the fact it deals with death does make it something that they need to hear as opposed to a minor problem.Thanks for putting it into light for me Lori, now that I see what you mean, I feel pretty stupid that I mentioned the previous comment^^;.My bad...>.<
two-na (Aug 14, 2004)
DUDE, suicide can lead to happiness, but thoughts can lead to happiness too.. life is so complex, we'll probably never be able to understand the human mind before we destroy our own planet, so suicide is way too simple to work out.. maybe someday i'll kill myself, too, but i doubt it.. i can tell you that i learned a hell of a lot just by being out of school lately.. maybe you should try that.. i dono, do something dude.. input effects output
Gigandas (Aug 14, 2004)
I've felt that life is full of bad luck, but recently I've accepted that fact and and realized maybe it's only cause some of us don't take the time to realize all the good we've had in the past.But just recently, I've started to take that in and build a stronger emotional defense for anything that may come at me in the future.Emotions are kinda like Final Fantasy, you gain experience to gain new skills ;)....
spiritdweller (Aug 14, 2004)
painful experiences are loaded with lessons... without the bad, how can we appreciate the good? ;)
Gigandas (Aug 14, 2004)
Kinda like work and play eh?Playing becomes much more fun because work isn't something you look forward to, but that in turn makes you really look forward to doing something you enjoy afterwards.
mukumuku (edited Aug 14, 2004)
life isnt simple. you cant always get what you want, and everything happens for a reason, whether you know the reason or not, killing yourself is not going to help you. you cant escape the pain by ending your life. no one has the right to take the life of another and you dont have the right to take it from your self. pain and hurt are part of life and they make us all stronger by tearing us apart. if you dont give yourself the chance to live a long and full life, you throw away everything you have done in the past and you create more pain by attempting to leave your own behind. everyone here has a valid point and you should never feel belittled by someones words. sticks and stones my friend. dont think you can get away with a stunt like this. if you kill yourself, then you only open an even worse path ahead. but if you live. you can get past all the problems in life and be happy again. although right now happiness may be just a word to you, if you live on, you will find out what true happiness is. and what it's like to really live.
longway (Aug 14, 2004)
some hear by the call of the silent word, so shrill a whisper cannot be heard.
some see with souls, and speak with eyes.
some feel with hearts, and with hands reply.
these are those covered by hardship shells, whom peek at good, and endure the hell
others reach into the grimmest of days
from the hearing fealt, one word always remains..
there are those of us, who understand the places life can take a person. and the debths of sadness, and fear of change. we are not alone, where others care. and all things good, cannot be missed. life is hardship, i try to remember there is always someone in deeper than ourselves. and suddenly, our own situation, doesn't seem as bad as before. as long as we breathe, there is hope. and refuse to let life and problems beat you, it can't if you don't let it. we all have the right to happiness, and we all deserve it.
davincipoppalag (Aug 15, 2004)
what's a pucture...
Deathaisha (edited Aug 15, 2004)
No joke.dealt with a wonderful ruined life for 2 freakin years i'm only 11 now but still that growing pain just won't go away prayed every night nothin came the devil grasped me won't let go squeezing,and squeezing harder i don't need to kill myself that grasp will kill me cant leave the ppl i love knowing that i siad i'd never kill myself so i won't. i'm a devils puppet i hope he'll let go soon..because i'm on edge now i wont kill myself because love gets in the way.well i try to help everyone but all i get is a slap in the face...nothing welcomes me anymore,oh and all attention gets me is another reson to cry.tears clog up my way of life laughed at,when the worst time of my life happened there was no friends to pull me up all that i did was fall deeper and deeper, and i still fall this time at least some friends to pull me up but they cant because i to deep in that hole of darkness can it get any worse yes it can.....
spiritdweller (Aug 15, 2004)
I'm glad you're alive, you will be too one day, I've prayed for ya kiddo(though I know you feel alot older than you are)
Deathaisha (Aug 15, 2004)
oh thank you. all yas taut me a very good lesson every time i'm depressed i'll think of you and what you taut me,thank you.
sephiroth54321 (Aug 16, 2004)
that's pathetic dude......
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