naw Thear's right they are Magic cards. I hate making decks because I can almost never get it down to 60 cards even though that sounds like a lot. and Hakkai you mean 350x350 right? But yeah its a different size. Oh well.^^
Sorry, it took so long to get around to commenting^^;.Was kinda busy with my dorm stuff today >.<.So did you finally figure out how the new ones play???Hehe, well at least you can play your brother now :).lol, I like how your hair looks on top of the table in this pic XD.Nice one :).Btw, is that a Prodigal Sorcerer in your hand ;)....???lol
Heh heh heh, I just split all my colors into 2 groups: Things that are annoying, and things that deal lots of damage. Almost always results in a deck of 60 that works reasonably well. I sure as hell don't strategery. (As such, you'll probably kick my hiney.)
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drawn in 36 min
what cards are those =o Magic the gathering? =P