oh, could i draw my kugoura? super_squall is so cute, he would fit in perfectly with pyro and shidedu, those two are so cute!
btw, are those you're neopets? whats your urser name, i would love to check out your user page sometime and maybe buy some stuff from your shop
I'd draw Dagger_Maiden, but have no idea how to draw a zafara. I'd draw magma_kilik, but I hav eno idea how to draw a yurble. I'd draw truecolormix, but im_chopped_liver.
drawn in 9 min
btw, are those you're neopets? whats your urser name, i would love to check out your user page sometime and maybe buy some stuff from your shop
Edit : There You Go, You Can Draw Now^^
I'll Modify You Right Now!
Edit : There^^
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 35 min