boardsbeginnerThe Water's Edge

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drawn in 19 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (Feb 3, 2003)
Blue is my favorite color. Sky blue, I mean.. And I felt horrible today, so I decided to draw a picture with my favorite color.. And make it beautiful. I feel better now.. Since it's so pretty. *Grins slightly.*

Explanation. Two humans. One girl (top right) and one boy (bottom left) staring at each other. It's like.. Think, "silhouette".
ChinkyFlip (Feb 3, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
marcello (edited Feb 3, 2003)
I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at, but it looks cool, kinda...
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 3, 2003)
Some imagination 'you' have. :P
marcello (edited Feb 3, 2003)
ahah I was looking at it completely different
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 3, 2003)
Lol. Genius. ^_^;
Kazukie (edited Feb 4, 2003)
Azelrellon (edited Feb 4, 2003)
It's like that picture where some see a vase, and some see two faces staring at one another. But I see two faces, and some sort of... Um... Ray gun. Weird.
Anyhoo... I like the Blueness of it. I'm getting my room painted a nice blue soon, too.
Kazukie (edited Feb 4, 2003)
Yeah, I just thought it was like some water in the middle of some blackness but when I watched the animation I figured it out.
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