Love the pose in this one XD.I think I especially like the texture on the back of the shield :).This is just a really cool pic, I seriously love it!Maybe cause I'm a huge Smash fan too...too bad the turtles aren't in Smash Bros. though....or they would probably be your favorites ;).
You are partly right, G...not 'probably', but 'definitely', on the turtle thingy. Lol...Thanks for taking the time to comment and to say such nice things about my pic. You're a very nice MR.
the best fighter was not luigi or link. In fact, the best fighter was Starfox. Some people are good with Donkey Kong, but Starfox is really the best. I like this drawing though. It may be better than a drawing of StarfoX!
DBA,i f you played video games, you would know cause he's one of those famous classic characters ;).But then I think you have no desire to so....forget that I mentioned it XD.Just thought I'd let you in on where he's originated from :).
Link's a pansy running around in tights who hides behind shields, swords, boomerangs and bombs. Luigi doesn't have any of that junk and still puts Link to shame. You people just aren't cool enough to know how to use him correctly. >:]
It's a shame that they didn't make this game for online...that'd be awesome if we could all fight...then we'd see who's butt got whipped...wouldn't we? ;] Btw...Dino had it right...Starfox 'is' my favorite...and I don't need anything but his hands and feet to win. :)
drawn in 2 hours 3 min
drawn in 2 min