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drawn in 3 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
LovelyLori (Jul 2, 2004)
LovelyLori (Jul 2, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 14 min
davincipoppalag (Jul 2, 2004)
Yay miss Lori is doin stuff again! I like the snow and shadows.
LovelyLori (Jul 2, 2004)
drawn in 52 min
laurael (Jul 2, 2004)
This is coming along quite nicely. Glad to see you getting back into this. (why would Cindy shoot you?)
LovelyLori (Jul 2, 2004)
the fox I meant... heh ;)
laurael (Jul 2, 2004)
Oh, 'duh'. I must be too
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 2, 2004)
This is coming out really well so far. The fur looks good and good job on giving it depth with snow... that is hard to do.
I wouldn't dare shoot him... I see foxes all the time when I'm hunting... for a couple of years on my Grandpa's ranch there was this red fox that would always come out after I got in my stand and he would sit and stare at me for a while and then go about his business. We kind of had a "relationship". LOL And that title cracked me up.
emmamommalag (Jul 2, 2004)
Looking good so far, Lori. Glad to see you're back to this sort of drawing. Hope it means you're feeling better. (((Lori)))
Xodiak (Jul 2, 2004)
I remember seeing on the news a story about a farmer who had a female dog guarding his house and there was a male fox that was sneaking into his yard in the nights and mated with the dog! And in the end the the dog gave birth to half-dog half-fox puppies... <:)
Very nice drawing Lori! I wonder, do foxes taste good if roasted?
LovelyLori (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 45 min
LovelyLori (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 38 min
LovelyLori (Jul 3, 2004)
drawn in 2 min
yay! time to start something new!
davincipoppalag (Jul 3, 2004)
Foxy came out well! The fur has that " I live in the woods and don't shampoo"look! Good job!
Gigge (Jul 3, 2004)
Nice fox and snow. I especially like the way you did the little evergreen.
emmamommalag (Jul 4, 2004)
Beautiful job on the fur, Lori.
starmarked (Jul 6, 2004)
This look really good. I like the heavy snow on the rock and twigs.
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