Thank you everybody. I love looking at water as well as drawing it, safe. Btw, if you think this is good, you ought to see me draw it from the well. ;)
This is very nice. It looks like they just outfitted the boat with a new sail. I love the water, and the reflections. This reminds me of my 16' day sailer I used to have, cuttycab and all.
That water is fantastically reflective. (?) Did no one else catch that about the well? That was funny emma! the boat and the sail too...(start v1 over...I'd like to see what that person ends up looking like) :)
Thank you everyone. I'm so glad you like it.
DMV and laurael: Got frustrated trying to blend skin tones so I ditched it and went for water.
laurael: Thanks for 'getting' my weird sense of humor. lol
drawn in 23 min
drawn in 14 min
drawn in 10 min
drawn in 29 min
drawn in 13 min
drawn in 6 min
drawn in 50 min
drawn in 55 min
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 39 min
drawn in 5 min
DMV and laurael: Got frustrated trying to blend skin tones so I ditched it and went for water.
laurael: Thanks for 'getting' my weird sense of humor. lol
The sky is purdy.