boardsintermediateComic Strip LOL

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drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
ChinkyFlip (Feb 2, 2003)
Me talking about gay guys.. And my sexy, possessive boyfriend getting worried. O_o
He'll see this sooner or later! XD!!!

And, Lmfao. If you didn't notice, these are the mascots that I drew earlier. I like the style of them, so I started to fool around. XD
ChinkyFlip (Feb 2, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Azelrellon (edited Feb 2, 2003)
That must be why over 75% of my male characters are!
Wow! That's so coincidential!
-_- Anyhow.
The little character style is cute. The comic is funny, too. ^___^
marcello (edited Feb 3, 2003)
so if I be gay, I'll get more chicks? hmmmmm, naw that could work the wrong way...
Minitsaru (edited Feb 3, 2003)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.................. *continues laughing* marcello's comment is..... hahahaha... you get the point. well bout the pic... i dont think thats true well maby my older bro i think is gay and the girls love him... i swear he's gay the things he does with his friends are just scairy...

maby there is a bit of truth... a bit... that makes my life more difficult doesn't it?

AND YOU THINK THAT GAY VOICE IS SEXY!!!!! NASTY!!!!! all it does is make me wish suicides had the chance of making it to heaven... there is this gay guy sitting behind me in my religion class... i hate it... he follows me to lunch and sits right behind me at the other table in the caff...

im afraid...

oh ya great pic... funny
ChinkyFlip (edited Feb 4, 2003)
LOL!! Noooo! Come on, Mini--I didn't mean it like that. :P
I meant like.. Just that they're hot. Not their VOICE. *Gag.*
BUT! Some gay guys have normal voices. ;)
furyofroy (edited Feb 5, 2003)
mygod, this is funny...i love that comment at the end-"NOTHING! HA HA! HA!" i had to get me to stop laughing!
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