boardsintermediateSuper Polly
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drawn in 41 min with PaintBBS
kowst (Mar 26, 2002)
Art for my latest game heresy, it's at
It's the first girl *tries to avoid copyright infringement* super saiya-jin
kowst (Mar 26, 2002)
drawn in 0sec
marcello (edited Mar 26, 2002)
Looks as much as a guy as any other character on that show... what makes it a girl?
kowst (edited Mar 26, 2002)
because...hmmm...lets see, the breasts, the lipstick, the eyeliner, the long hair in pigtails, and the pink flares are kind of a hint... other than that I don't know why it's a girl *sarcasm*
marcello (edited Mar 27, 2002)
er...I don't see any breasts; lipstick doesn't look like; eyeliner?; long hair and pigtails, are you sexist? besides, half the guys on that show have long hair and pigtails; pink is pink...
kowst (edited Mar 27, 2002)
ok.. look at the animation, you will see the breasts being drawn... they are covered by a ki blast there. Her lips are red and much bigger than normal, what more can I say about the lipstick's presence?? fair enough on the long hair.. but pigtails?? That is DEFINITELY not a guy thing, and who in Dragonball Z has pigtails??? And pink flares, now I am sorry, but unless we are in the 70's again then they are out of all male closets (especially the pink aspect).
Eyeliner? You can't see that? She has huge eyelashes... I mean, compare it to the Super Cayne I have drawn and you will see what I mean... The only way I can think that it would look like a guy is that she is a Super Saiyan... so if you want to see her normally then go to there is a picture of her there...
PS I am not sexist. I'm just using signs to show girlish features.
marcello (edited Mar 27, 2002)
Fine, she's a girl, I'm just saying she doesn't look like one. (Ok, I guess I'm being sexist now.)

Anyway, just curious, why are you here anyway? This site is currently private beta.
kowst (edited Mar 27, 2002)
There was a link here from Darksun's website... I didn't realise it was private. If you want to kick me off then fair enough but I seem to be one of the only people that submits proper work here (no offence you 'modern artists')
marcello (edited Mar 28, 2002)
naw, that's fine, the site will be going 'live' soon anyway, I was just curious.
GEM (edited May 24, 2003)
Well I see that She's a girl.
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