boardsbeginnerME.... well as close to me as i can draw :P
watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 35 min with PaintBBS
Minitsaru (Jan 30, 2003)
Well so far this is the best i've ever done at srawing myself even when it comes to pencil and paper :) well this would be me if i was a wanna be anime character:)

I can't beleave that one of the defult colours is SO close to my real eye colour :P

some times i spike my hair... not lately...
Minitsaru (Jan 30, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Azelrellon (edited Jan 30, 2003)
I know! I have a few characters with colors like the ones on the defaults.
Rinzu, Myraila, Floria, Azelrellon and Mirylle have the green, and Nirimi has the Aqua-ish (Like yours).
Good job, as well. Self portraits of me will crash 2Draw with sheer ugliness. SO, I will restrain from doing any.
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 30, 2003)
Great job, Mini!! :D!! Your style's really improving. ^_^ I mean it. Heheh..
Minitsaru (edited Jan 30, 2003)
thanks :)
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