safety save. that foot is giving me severe trouble, and i really want him to have a rose in his teeth but i dunno if i can do it. well, i'll try. hope you like him, he makes me chuckle.
Wowie, it looks awesome! 0.0 It's so tactile! And interactive, I love it! And the styles integrate really well, too! Can almost sort of feel them touching each other <:) Yah, it's sexy, like a tango. I'm excited, I think this is a great first time realistic-character tactile interaction online-collaboration. (What's his name, btw? I hadn't given a name for mine :) She's like ... generic dancer chick.)
oooohhh so cool.. it looks like one person would have drawn it.. and taori, that anatomy looks great to me.. his left leg only looks a bit too thin.. his hair is awesome!
erewin, that "a great first time realistic-character tactile interaction online-collaboration." was quite frightening word.. well not word but sentence :D hehee.. nice
drawn in 54 min
drawn in 41 min
drawn in 27 min
erewin, that "a great first time realistic-character tactile interaction online-collaboration." was quite frightening word.. well not word but sentence :D hehee.. nice
drawn in 8 min