boardsintermediateworst picture ever
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drawn in 1 hour 11 min with PaintBBS
ObeseityKills (Jun 2, 2004)
forced to draw this piece of crap for someone, sorry so crappy >__<
ObeseityKills (Jun 2, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 11 min
emmamommalag (Jun 2, 2004)
Why are you calling it crap? Looks pretty danged good to me. I like all those patterns.
ShadowKitten (Jun 2, 2004)
I like the half tones and how your outlined her in white and how all the lines are so sharp. Nice work ^^
two-na (Jun 3, 2004)
what the heck, two comments? This is wicked! I wonder what would happen if you smoothed the lines out
Urei-sama (Jun 28, 2004)
dude, i think its fun... those are my boots anyway. they would kick my ass if i said otherwise XD
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