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method3 (edited Jun 13, 2004)
Advanced board review will take place Wednesday June 9th, 2004!
Due to recent lack of stringent moderation, the advanced board will undergo review starting Wednesday, June 9th. The intermediate boards may undergo the same type of review to be determined at a later time. Hopefully this review will reinforce the level differences in the boards. The board will be reviewed with these steps: - Unfinished pieces will not be reviewed unless older than 1 month. - Every piece strictly under 2 hours duration will be set to unfinished hidden or moved depending on quality as is. - Every piece more that 2 hours will be evaluated with the following criteria: composition of the piece, apparent knowledge and use of advance features of applet, rendering skill and sharpness to the piece, or in the case of something purposefully blurry the fine tuning of gradients and expert use of blur tool or soft brushes. - Every piece on the Advanced board will be reviewed, each finished piece will be related to the images already reviewed and accepted as Advanced quality in order to insure consistency and fairness. The board will possibly be reviewed by a small group of available moderators including myself, Hakkai and Armando. Please review your works posted on the Advanced board as you are free to review and revise any of your works to meet this criteria. If you feel that you do not have the time to rework a piece, simply memo a mod and ask them to set it to hidden for you. Feel free to post comments or suggestions. Update, please read if you have questions about points lost! Ok, here's what's going on with your points that were moved. You will lose points if we moved the pieces from Advanced to Intermediate or Beginner because the number of points you gain when posting to the Advanced board is greater than the number of points gained from the other points. Therefore, when moving you lose the difference of points gained so it is as if you've posted to the lower boards originally. You still have points for the pictures themselves, it is as if you posted to the other boards originally. This happens for all pieces that are moved around (with no extra point deduction). Hope this clears up any confusion. |
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Nanibunny (Jun 1, 2004)
I think it's good that the board is going under evaluation. I was beginning to think that the mods were slacking.
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DinoFlorist (Jun 1, 2004)
Does that mean that good drawings (advanced, even) would HAVE to be moved either to unfinished hidden or a different board? I always figured a good piece is a good piece regardless of time spent. It doesn't happen enough to be relevant maybe, but I bet I could come up with an example if I wanted to.
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method3 (Jun 1, 2004)
It means that all advanced pieces that "pass" the review will stay on the board, all other pieces will be hidden or moved. All pieces under the minimum duration may be considered, although for most borderline pieces they will simply be set to unfinished hidden. I hope I answered your quesion, I don't really know if what you're asking makes sense to me.
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davincipoppalag (Jun 2, 2004)
If they are set to unfinished hidden and we have exceeded the space already.. will you automatically add a bit more space so they can be reworked?
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method3 (Jun 2, 2004)
Hrm, that's a good point. If we set to unfinished hidden I will try to keep that in mind, but if not you can just memo a mod as per usual to get more space. If this is the case be sure to say why you need more space in the memo.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 2, 2004)
If a piece is moved from the Advanced Board to unfinished hidden, will the artist have the option of just re-submitting it finished onto the Intermediate Board instead of re-working it?
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method3 (Jun 3, 2004)
Umm... I guess you can just memo a mod for that too seeing as how you may not be able to move it yourself. I think that unfinished hidden will not really apply to the majority of the pieces though, so this shouldn't be too big of a problem.
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Coolsoft (Jun 3, 2004)
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method3 (Jun 3, 2004)
What about ratings?
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Coolsoft (Jun 3, 2004)
Some of the art in the advanced board-last I saw-(please note this was 3 months ago...) was underrated(agewise). I was wondering if you were going to sort through some of that in the review.
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Ty854 (edited Jun 3, 2004)
Inspection!... rubber gloves. wow. this should be exciting. I don't know i'm a loser.
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method3 (Jun 3, 2004)
If the ratings are really mis-applied they will be corrected. I don't think there is a major problem with any of the ratings.
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cmb (Jun 4, 2004)
I have never felt confident enough to use the advanced board- so my comment is really about the length of time criteria. I draw rapidly because I feel I can express myself better that way- and do not like to overwork pictures. If I am to meet the time criteria should I perhaps leave my drawing for an extra length of time before posting? For instance if I finished it in 1hr 40 mins should I then leave off posting for another 21 mins? I know its a weird question, but Im relativley new here. (Hope you dont mind me getting involved in your discussion). Also I had a peice bumped down from intermediate to beginner- I have since reworked it... what should I do to see if it can be reinstated as intermediate? Thanks for your time.
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method3 (Jun 4, 2004)
If you think that your piece is of Advanced quality, there really is no need to keep the applet open longer just to meet the minimum hour requirement although we will be more critical of pieces under the minimum. If it is Advanced quality, it will stay in the advanced board regardless of minimum time spent. It is less common however to have really excelent pieces of Advanced quality under that minimum, which is why that "rule" is there in the first place.
As for the intermediate piece, if you really want it to be on the intermediate boards just memo a mod about the situation. |
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amuy (Jun 5, 2004)
How do you become a reviewer?
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davincipoppalag (Jun 5, 2004)
You have to send at least $25,000 to Marcello.. Cashier's checks only please...
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amuy (edited Jun 5, 2004)
I'm interested in being a reviewer but I'm not a mod. It's fine if you stick with a small group of mods but (here's my suggestion) wouldn't it be better to get more voice if members applied to become reviewers. It wouldn't have to be forever, maybe for just a month or two and it could cycle w/ new reviewers. That way there would be a bit of variety and different views from different reviewers.. That's my 2 pennies. |
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Knockoff (Jun 5, 2004)
I think amuy has a good point........
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method3 (Jun 5, 2004)
The only way you will become a reviewer is if you have mod powers. Sorry, but at the moment that's just the way things are going to go, if in the future 2draw somehow incorporates a review system permanently then we will keep the community in mind.
However, the original intent of comments for each image is to support constructive criticism, not for posting . If you feel the need to review something, why not just post more constructive criticism instead? This is an equally valid and probably far more useful feature to the community than this one-time deal (hopefully) review in which we will not have the time to post much (if any) constructive criticism. |
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Gigandas (edited Jun 6, 2004)
Personally, I don't mind if you guys moved all my stuff down to Beginner^^;.In fact, I encourage it....no joke.....:)
-Oh and the reason?Well because all the stuff up there aren't originals of mine. |
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Xodiak (Jun 6, 2004)
Hahaha, Gigandas... >:D
|XOD| |
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Gothic_Otaku (Jun 6, 2004)
I think reviewing the boards is an excellent idea. But I don't realy think the Advanced board is a problem...but I don't really know the difference, so I wouldn't know. I think the intermediate board needs a good review also. Many beginner pics are being posted there...and sometimes theyre posted by mistake.
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amuy (Jun 6, 2004)
I still feel that the reviewing board shouldn't just be limited to mods. It'll be the same views and voice when there should be a variety!
-sorry for that rant. |
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method3 (Jun 6, 2004)
Ok, I will ask you about your suggestion in another manner. How do you suggest we insure that the reviewers are reasonable? Do we look at your past works? Do we evaluate your critiques and comments throughout 2draw to decide on whether your critiques are not only constructive but accurate? Do we choose people based on percieved attitude and actions? And do we get paid to do this evaluation crap?
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amuy (edited Jun 7, 2004)
No no no, I was thinking that there should be two or three pics that can be critiqued by anyone interested in being a reviewer. Sort of like an application for wanna be reviewers. Then those interested in being reviewers can type up their critiques and then send it to the one in charge of choosing reviewers. That way people with the most informative and reasonable critiques can be selected to be reviewers. That way one'll know what type of critiques will be given and it wont be any stuff like 'OMG TEH ROXOR11!!' you know, type slang like that.
-hope that made sense... |
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method3 (Jun 8, 2004)
That may be a good idea, but I think that it might still require additional features that 2draw does not currently have in order to expedite the process. We will be keeping this in mind.
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mx (edited Jun 9, 2004)
It will only do us good if they are strict. It will bring our own standard up. But they must not break anyone down when they are strict, but rather give advice and good opinions. I think its a good idea to seperate the cream from the milk, the chaf from the wheat, the sheep from the goats, the light from the dark-----just kiddin...
Rather the deserving artworks in the expert, from the intermediate and so forth:) go well mx |
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method3 (edited Jun 10, 2004)
Advanced board review is finished, it will be moderated from now on as per usual. About 100 pieces total were moved/set to unfinished (hidden).
mx's post is basically redundant, there's no point in having a review that isn't up to standard and constructive which has already been said. |
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ky (Jun 11, 2004)
That's really retarded.
I had a picture more than a year old moved to Beginner. I mean... who the fuck's gonna care? Nobody even looks at it. It's ricidulous to assume that, and moreover, ricidulous to go that far back. Why the hell should I lose points for a bloody old picture? And why did you say you'd moved so many pictures to Unfinished (Hidden) and mine was not? You talk about ill-moderation... My two cents are paid. TWO CENTS |
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Gigge (Jun 11, 2004)
Do the priveleges change with points? What difference do they make (unless you drop below 0)? I'm not sure what all the hostility is about having a picture moved. I thought that the moderators did a pretty good job of reviewing the advanced board. And, I'm glad they did it.
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method3 (edited Jun 13, 2004)
First off, "- Every piece on the Advanced board will be reviewed, each finished piece will be related to the images already reviewed and accepted as Advanced quality in order to insure consistency and fairness."
Secondly, I need a link to the image to know what piece you're talking about, as you shouldn't have lost points if I moved it correctly. Thirdly, I do not know why it was not set to Unfinished (Hidden) if it was still Unfinished. Only finished pieces were considered done and eligible for moving to lower boards. This is how it worked out, ended up not paying much attention to pieces done under 2 hours since that wasn't a requirement for 2draw v1. Fourthly, I don't talk about ill-moderation, other people do, right? And last, how many points did you lose, 1000? Or maybe 10? Out of your current 660 points or so? So yeah, post a link so I know what's going on. |
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Minitsaru (Jun 24, 2004)
It seems every one is pissed off because they loose only a couple points. If it gets so many people mad than why do we have it? in my opinion points should be invisible and the word thingy under a persons name should be the only indication of where you are, that way no one has a single clue about whats happening (except the mods of course =P). I assume that way no one will complain any more about pictures moved and whatnot... but than again this is probly a stupid idea, pay no attention if you think its dumb...
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gloworm043 (edited Aug 7, 2004)
I posted a picture on the advanced board by accident when I first started on 2Draw. It got bumped and that was fine with me. But I have improved since then and I do have a couple pictures that I feel meet the quality-standards set forth, for posting on the advanced board. Is there a way to have those pictures moved to the advanced board? Please memo your answer. Thanx
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