forums2draw.netIf ya can... plz help...
Minitsaru (edited Jan 18, 2003)
Hi... my name is (blank) and i found myself just checking out the oekaki program for my drawing and it was a pretty nice one.... it wudent send when i was done... so i scrapped it and just thought it would sum how fix itself (useually how i act for first time problems regarding the computer). A few weeks later (today) i found myself trying it out again with again another one of my better compu drawings..... and guess what.... i dont even think i have to say what happaned you get the picture...(you do get the picture right?{sry that was a... umm bad punn...)

Can you help me?... luckily this time i took a pic of the pic i drew so.... its not all lost....(unlike the last one...{which just happened to be much better)... so if u know whats rong or there is sumthing rong with my computer (*looks to the left to investigate a noise and notices that the disc drive just fell...*{true story that happened just as i typed in computer)......

And sry for all the weird talking i was studdying for an english exam on monday and i just came here to take a break.... im not all that mad... not mad at all about this happening... i just felt like i should tell you that there is a sinple problem that i don't mind being there and..... i need some sleep.... bye... and thank you for reading all that.... it would be nice for it to be fixed... but i don't care if you dont have time to getting around to it... g-night sleep tight...Zzzzz........

(sry bout the writing i was sleepy hope this helps you read it)
marcello (edited Jan 17, 2003)
Please add paragraphs to your message! It's impossible to read.
Minitsaru (edited Jan 19, 2003)

I'll sum up everything up there and put it into 1 sentance! :P

Whenever i use oekakiBBS and im done and ready to send in my picture it gives me an error saying that the picture could not be sent.

btw this only happened twice.
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 19, 2003)
I've had the same problems in the past, so unfortunately they were both lost....
Minitsaru (edited Jan 20, 2003)
[color:red on black]:[/color][color:white on black]([/color] do you know how to fix these problems.... i like the tools in oekak.... sumthing... (i cant rem how its spelled...) and my drawings go much faster and nicer looksing.... not really faster but if i wanted to do the same thing in paintBBS than it would take me hours to make it look smudged... :P it would be nice if u helped.
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