You asked twice, so assuming your question wasn't rhetorical in nature, I'm going to answer it. As an American, in the past it has proven useful in protecting your freedom. (pretty important) It's also quite good for the economy, which is probably the primary reason we always end up in it. As far as worrying about people you love who are fighting, it basically sucks. When one of my little brothers was a sgt. in the marine corps, I spent all those years watching nightline, waiting for his calls and letters, wondering if he was still alive. He made it back, but found out years later he has a form of cancer that has been linked to exposure to some things in the desert wars... I went with him to his chemo treatments.... not fun. But we both still agree that war is necessary. I like your picture, btw. :)
Can't decide whether I like the first or second version better...I like the light in v1, but I also like the darkness of v2. Sorry about your bro, dba...I have a cousin that the same thing happened to from Desert Storm...horrible business war is, but yes, 'sometimes', necessary...
Sorry to hear about your brother DBA. As for the title of this drawing, that is just it, a title, it is not my question, it is a song that I was listening to on the radio as I was drawing this, maybe you have heard of it, it is called War by Bruce Springsteen, the second "question" is actually the begining of the song. Now I do not mean to get anyone upset but, in my opinion, having a war to help the "economy" of a country is a very poor and sad decision .
That song came out waaaaaay before Springsteen. I am probably wrong but I want to say the original group was called Time? I can't remember for sure but this was a Vietnam era song originally.
Very nice, I like both versions of the painting and two versions of the song. More of painting version two because of the colors. Davincipoppolaq, there was a slightly less heard version of "War" back in the mid-80's by Frankie Goes to Hollywood. It is better than Spigsteens but still sucks compared to the original, sung by Edwin Starr, who died in April 2003.
Calacores, your knowledge of great music heartens me! Do you know of Phil Ochs works? Looking forward to hearing you on the phone again.
As far as the question posed by the title of the art. War is only good for the power elite that profit from it. Those that fight and die are never the ones that gain. "Good for the economy" is a fallacy. The only sector of the economy that get a bump is the arms manufacturers, and other providers of military equipment. Much more good would be provided to the economy if the same amount of money was put into education, or rebuilding OUR country's infrastructure. And if the resources were put into renewable energy, we would no longer have to colonize the Middle East. If you want to see the real face of the current war, go watch Fahrenheit 911.
drawn in 20 min
drawn in 8 min
As far as the question posed by the title of the art. War is only good for the power elite that profit from it. Those that fight and die are never the ones that gain. "Good for the economy" is a fallacy. The only sector of the economy that get a bump is the arms manufacturers, and other providers of military equipment. Much more good would be provided to the economy if the same amount of money was put into education, or rebuilding OUR country's infrastructure. And if the resources were put into renewable energy, we would no longer have to colonize the Middle East. If you want to see the real face of the current war, go watch Fahrenheit 911.