forums2draw.netMod's can't read.
Fin_beast (edited May 13, 2004)
I say:
Not Advanced Quality. Sorry Mod's. Put it on 2draw 'Ink' please. :)

Mod says:
not advanced, or finished.
and takes 6 points off me.

I would like to know which dumbass mod changed it to unfinished and told me to finish it.
Read my comment on the picture aswell.
marcello (May 14, 2004)
Dumbass mod = me. I already said I couldn't put it on ink.
it was a choice between deleting it or hiding it.
Fin_beast (May 17, 2004)
See what I meant to say was ..."which amazingly specacular mod"... :P
method3 (May 17, 2004)
pwned =P
SaheraNights (May 19, 2004)
eh?? O.o;;...... I knew it ... mods read our minds!
Knockoff (May 19, 2004)
Oh, when I saw the title I thought some one lost there glasses..............
okay.... I know that just sux0rd.........
bumpinthenight (May 29, 2004)
Err... Yaargh... Cant find the picture... But please, finnbeast and Marcello, keep on anxting!! *knows not where that came from...*
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