boardsbeginnerRinzu daydreaming in a field o' flowers. With no shirt. Odd.
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drawn in 21 min with PaintBBS
Azelrellon (Jan 12, 2003)
I was sorta daydreaming when I did this, so I drew my best daydreamer character. Rinzu. He's a bit dumbwitted all the time, so this is easy for him =P.
Wonder where his shirt went? ._.
Azelrellon (Jan 12, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Knockoff (edited Jan 12, 2003)
good one =
Azelrellon (edited Jan 12, 2003)
Wait until Azelrellon, his grandfather of thousands of years finds him. Wooden hammer head-bonk.
Owwie for Rinzie, Happy for Zelzel. Heehee.
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