boardsintermediatebeach cat-babe. . .
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drawn in 1 hour 41 min with OekakiBBS
pinklynx (Jan 7, 2003)
0_o me and my imagination XD I was trying some lanky skinny style but it didnt come out right 9_9'' but i used animation this time 00;; lol, hopes yas like ^_^
pinklynx (Jan 7, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
furyofroy (edited Jan 7, 2003)
O_O wow. that's one skimpy suit! Fantastic picture, tho!
marcello (edited Jan 7, 2003)
We have a pro among us. :) That's really amazing and the animation is quite inspiring... it's great to see how people build up their drawing, outlines, coloring, shading... It makes it seem so easy! But I go and try and never do good. :(
What are those branch things going across the background, water and sand?
jord (edited Jan 7, 2003)
jaiks, this is waaaaw!!
hmm, human language now, i absolutely don't understand how you can controll your mouse that well...the colours are cool and i love the background (especialy how it's build up in the animation)
you'r goood
Fin_beast (edited Jan 7, 2003)
Mummy!!!!!!!!!! I wana draw like that!!!!!!!!! AH! ^_^
nick452 (edited Jan 9, 2003)
nice one i think that it is one of your best ones
kaT (edited Jan 10, 2003)
may i just say: wwwwwwaaaaaaaahhh???
real nice. keep it up!
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