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xwindflyer (edited May 2, 2004)
I think when Moderators move or delete art work, it should be publically posted as to who and, why the comment or work was deleted, or moved. They should be held accountable for their actions, and not remain behind the cloak of anonymity.
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Zappo (May 1, 2004)
Hmmmm I usually wouldnt agree, but after getting a pic deleted from the sprites and icons board with the quote "you should know better; next time, more time spent and more general effort " it makes me mad now.
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Fin_beast (May 1, 2004)
The mods wont agree. Theres no way that it would happen.
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marcello (May 1, 2004)
If we did that, then what? It seems to me that would just make people more upset in general...
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concannon (May 1, 2004)
It would.
Besides, we leave a reason (that only you can read) as to why an entry was deleted, or why a comment was edited, etc. If you are capable of recognizing your own limits, and don't make an ass of yourself, then the mods won't do anything to you. |
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xwindflyer (May 1, 2004)
VV uses all 14 years of her sage advice. Does she recognise her limits as a little child?
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concannon (edited May 1, 2004)
Well, xwindflyer, I apologize for unsettling you. Do you find it discomforting that someone younger than you is holding a position on a higher rung of the ladder?
Please keep in mind, sir, that I must have some particular level of maturity, or I would not have been appointed as one of the moderators. And yes, thank you, I realize what my limits are. However, I have fewer of them in this particular scenario than you do, don't I? Yes, I'm 14. That doesn't limit my common sense, my intelligence, or my maturity. Only my experience. And please, sir, I certainly mantain a higher level of maturity on this site than many others twice my age. I encourage those who are not particularly good to continue to work, and improve their skills; I don't shoot them down when they're only looking for a compliment, or a suggestion. I don't call ideas that people have stupid, and the only time I get angry is when someone is being derogatory towards someone. Please do not make presumptions of someone based on their age. That, my good sir, is called being blind and pig-headed. |
sal (May 1, 2004)
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Knockoff (May 1, 2004)
Go Visceralvamp!. I don't know why, but some people have been complaining to much. If your picture gets deleted, I guess you will have to live with it, because there not going to get uit up for you again.
And people have seen this, and still like to complain. Ah well. |
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Xodiak (May 1, 2004)
I am 23, look like 60 and think like 6... <:)
|XOD| |
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davincipoppalag (May 1, 2004)
I'm 56 but I still have toys.. I think sometimes the brief reason stated in the history log where the points are removed is kind of cryptic. Maybe just a quick memo to the person involved to say a little more detail as to why the action was taken? Just a thought..
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited May 1, 2004)
I don't think the reason for moving, deletion, etc. should be made public.. it's really nobody's business besides the artist's and the mods. The only thing I think might be a little more helpful would be if the mods initials were left in the history in case the artist had a legitimate question (NOT just a complaint that something was done) then they could memo the mod with the question. I can kind of see why it isn't done that way, because then the mods would probably have tons of harrassing memos from ppl just pissed even if the action was warranted.
I do have to take up for Visceral, (in her case)... I have watched her behavior here and she does conduct herself with alot more maturity than alot of ppl 3 times her age, always encouraging and helping those who need it and never being condescending, rude or childish. Some of the behaviors of others I will blow off because of their age...(I mean, kids will be kids, and you gotta give them that because it takes time to develop wisdom) but some ppl get really old and never mature. |
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Fin_beast (May 1, 2004)
Maturiity = Mod.
Visceral is quality. I would like to know who has been moving my pictures, but i don't mind. It's fair enough. I accept that less than 2 hours on the advanced board is not advanced, but I think it looks advanced. That's why I post it there. Hmmm... |
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xwindflyer (May 1, 2004)
OK, Maybe I was wrong in my assumption that VV was responsible for the move, and for that I appologise. It does point out though, that whoever was, doesn't have the courage to fess up to his, or her decision and stand by it. Another indication of immaturity. And Davin, I got nine years on ya buddy. lol
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davincipoppalag (May 1, 2004)
Lol xwind..nice not to be the oldest for a change!
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Xodiak (edited May 1, 2004)
I wish the nations were governed by people who are 14 years old. Earth would be such a nicer planet! <:)
|XOD| |
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Zinc (May 1, 2004)
LOL. God damn.
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marcello (May 1, 2004)
xod: well, usa currently is, and look where it got us.
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Xodiak (May 1, 2004)
I once had a drawing of mine deleted. The moderator told me that my drawing was way too extreme even for the extreme rating. I actually was very happy for that explaination. >:)
Also, being an adult does not mean you cannot have toys. Especially of the other kind of toys. >;) |XOD| |
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method3 (May 1, 2004)
Ah, unfortunately I was not around to comment on this earlier today and could not defend myself for all of 14hours ago to the time of this post, take that however you may. I was the one who edited this picture. There are very simple reasons for me to move it from the Advanced board to the Intermediate board, and that is simply because the piece does not have the sharp clarity of an advanced piece. Admittedly it is pretty good for sea shells and rocks, but in order to meet the "standards" of the board I believe it could use alot of work. This isn't to say for instance that the piece has to be realistic to be on the Advanced board, just that a certain skill should be obvious to any viewer that the piece was created with exception skill and knowledge of the tools. For instance, perhaps more depth could be added to the piece by putting in more contrast and variation in sketchy lines and solid edges (as it is now the edges are very soft.) Another reason the piece is not really Advanced is that there seems to be no real focal point of the piece, nothing really keeps me coming back to it. If the title wasn't shells and rocks, would you think they are shells and rocks? (If you do, you have a better eye than I do.)
In general I believe the Advanced board exists to show off the skills of the artist, making the viewers ask "Wow, how did they get that effect?" This piece does not impress me in that way, nor in composition, color balance, rendering skill, or anything of that sort at all. Also another thing to think about is comparing the level of quality of the piece to the other pieces on the board, how do they compare? My question is, is there a reason you so badly must know that a rule exists for every action we take? The rule of thumb is, in the moderator's eye is the moderator's taste. The piece is not advanced quality. This isn't obviously based on any rule per se, but this move from Advanced to Intermediate in no way hurts anyone. The fact that your piece is now in the Intermediate board does not mean you are restricted unless your points drop below 0 in case of repeat violations. Why is it that this move should cause all moderators to be "responsible" and "accountable" to you all again? Oh that's right, because you have a right to do what you want here and should get your way. *Note* If there are some posts on the Advanced board that don't quite fit in either then perhaps a moderator just hasn't gotten around to setting it to hidden or moving it. I am 23, look like 60 and think like 6... <:)Xod always brings a smile to the thread, I was laughing all the way past that post... |
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xwindflyer (edited May 2, 2004)
Constructive criticism, is always welcome, but just leaving a comment like "not advanced quality" tells me nothing. If you as a mod. were to offer some constructive advice, such as you just did, maybe people would be more acceptable of your decision. As it is now, I don't have a chance to fix anything, because I'm over my kb limit in Intermediate. (and trying to get more here is like pulling teeth from a chicken, as has been my experience in the past).
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marcello (May 2, 2004)
Actually, a mod will be more likely to give you space than write an length reason on the post.
For the most part, we aren't paid enough to do a lengthy and detailed critique for a picture that is "breaking the rules." One should keep in mind that the "skill level" of the board is mostly unrelated to the time that you spend on it, as in the case of some pictures, the person will spend 5+ hours and it still isn't advanced level. The best way, I think, to decide whether something belongs in a particular board or not is to compare to everything around it. Now, this hardly applies to the intermediate board, since there are quite a few advanced-worthy pictures in there. Frankly, I think getting one's knickers in a knot over points and skill levels and whatnot is a waste of time. Your picture was not deleted, people can still post on it, and if you want to show people pictures you have drawn, it will still be listed in your user board and gallery. As for space, that's an unfortunate drawback of lascaux sketch. And for that reason, I'm usually pretty good about extending space to people using it, no matter the board. Once you set something to finished, mods have free reign to move it if they don't feel that version is not fit for the board it was placed on. Remember, you can always keep it hidden until you feel the picture is ready. You can do quite a bit when a picture is hidden, including switch what board the drawing is on, collaborate with users, send the link to a mod and try to get more space/comments/opinions (for example, "is this advanced level?), and even delete it, all without losing points (cept for extra space, because that's just how the system is built). So yea. No offense, but throwing your age around does not really impress me when 1) it does not necessarily mean anything 2) you make spelling mistakes. Feel free to bash me on that last point all you like, at least I look up words when I'm not sure. So for future reference: "anonymity," "criticism." |
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xwindflyer (edited May 2, 2004)
I didn't know spelling counted! I will be more careful in the future. I would not want to be incorrect on spelling. Spelling is more important than the subject I guess. As for my age, I was just responding to Davinci. with a little humor.
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marcello (May 2, 2004)
if you want age to count, then spelling counts. my point was that there are many many factors to judge someone.
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Knockoff (May 2, 2004)
I like what method said. Now everyone can come here to see why there pictures not good enough to be on the advanced board ;). I hope this is over now, and the complianing aswell......
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davincipoppalag (May 2, 2004)
Let's draw sumpin!!
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Xodiak (May 2, 2004)
Let's draw something naughty. >:)
|XOD| |
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 3, 2004)
Xod, you need a spanking. :)
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concannon (May 3, 2004)
I'm sure he'd love one.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 3, 2004)
LOL! I bet you're right, I hadn't thought about it that way. :)
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