OMG this is my new favorite of yours-the proportions are awsomely done and it is SUCH a cute concept
edit: His thumb is done really well too, the only thing I can see that's bugging me are his shoulder blades-you have them connecting strait into the vertical line of his back-try curving his back a lil and dont be afraid to let the shoulder blade pop out a bit-he's a lil kid XD
I was looking at this before ,very nice over all. I don't understand something here ...ok the perspective of the walk way.
even though he is a small boy ,The walk way should be going straight out more. not going up, I hope, I am making sense.
I guess what i am saying is there should be more sky to see...unless you meant to have it like that:) who cares about the shoulder blades lol!
drawn in 6 min
drawn in 2 min
drawn in 49 min
edit: His thumb is done really well too, the only thing I can see that's bugging me are his shoulder blades-you have them connecting strait into the vertical line of his back-try curving his back a lil and dont be afraid to let the shoulder blade pop out a bit-he's a lil kid XD
drawn in 4 min
drawn in 1 min
even though he is a small boy ,The walk way should be going straight out more. not going up, I hope, I am making sense.
I guess what i am saying is there should be more sky to see...unless you meant to have it like that:) who cares about the shoulder blades lol!