boardsintermediateCurly Horse
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drawn in 3 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mooseflower (Apr 18, 2004)
I saw a bashkir curly horse at the KHP, gotta love them lil hosses...

Well, I'm done... *sigh* I hope I did it justice. Ref pic: curly horse
mooseflower (Apr 18, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 10 min
mooseflower (Apr 19, 2004)
drawn in 23 min
have to stop because of a thunder storm...
mooseflower (Apr 19, 2004)
drawn in 1 hour 53 min
note to self: fix cheecks and ear.
rosalyn (Apr 19, 2004)
Awesome Job! I love horses as much as My friend Liz and that is a bunch! ^^
emmamommalag (Apr 19, 2004)
Cool! I never saw a curly horse.
davincipoppalag (Apr 19, 2004)
This is nice that white line to the left of the face an icy fence wire?
Aubrey (Apr 19, 2004)
Of course you did it justice. Horses, for me, are very hard to draw and I'm really not sure why.. they just always turn out looking like something that slept a little too close to a nuclear power plant.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 19, 2004)
lol @ Aubrey. Yep, the only thing harder to do (in my opinion) is a deer. Both are harder to do than people, even. I'm not sure about the shape of his head, but you did a great job on the texture of the hide and the curly mane is adorable... love the sparkle in his eyes. Sweet.
dixielandcutie (Apr 19, 2004)
this is stunning...gorgeous work...beautiful animal :)
Lois_Lion (Apr 20, 2004)
This looks like a pic from a story book to me.I love the sun-drenched look of him/her & the liquad eyes.Great job : )
mooseflower (Apr 20, 2004)
Hey thanks you all! :D Right on davinci, and yeah DBA, you're right, I think it's cheecks shouldn't be quite so round like that and that ear should start higher.
Knockoff (Apr 20, 2004)
Yeah, the checks should be so round. (unless you had a mouthfull. :)) Everything else looks awesome though.
Great tezture. I like the fluffy cloud.
DrsFan (Jan 24, 2006)
I love Baskhir Curlies!They look so different!This picture rocks and I wish i could draw as well as you
Maiko (Jan 24, 2006)
ooh lovely :3

the curly horse looks like a sheepy X3 so cuute~ <3
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