One time i got in one of these and i wound up in Oz. But then, the house landed on my hamster :( Oh, april fools! my hamster is alive! oh april fools, i dont have one. Nice picture, like always!
Mizz DBA does another one..I like the fields and the light and shadow along the fenceline. Me and Lori gonna stay in New England and wait for hurricane season...we don't like them twister thingies!
Those textures make my eyes explode. That's a really amazing picture. The tornado looks like a great big upside-down bottle tearing up something distant while it's so calm and serene at the POV. Wow.
"my little Texas Tornado... blowin me away again...." This is really really nice DB, all the colors are very realistic and I love how everything draws your eye to the tornado. The perspective is great!
drawn in 32 min
drawn in 1 hour 1 min
drawn in 1 hour 47 min
drawn in 1 hour 55 min
dang foo that'sa good picture
Late comment but this picture is Nice! Look at the way the grass and everything else looks highlighted. :D