boardsintermediatefearsome threesome

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drawn in 2 hours 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
after the blood soaked floor riddled with corpses of hunndred of preps, 3 meek looking figures arose ontop of them all, the question now is, who's next?
Red Cat = Cam : Teh |33t K1tTah
Orange Fox = Trisha :P
Brown Rat = Tony :the pencil ninja
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
drawn in 48 min
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
drawn in 16 min
another safety save takin another break
15grifficorntears (Apr 13, 2004)
ohohoh!!! am i one???? i want to be one!!!!
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
your the middle one trish ^^ you've got a katana
15grifficorntears (Apr 13, 2004)
AWRIGHT!!!! your in the front, and tony's in the back right? looks like tony.
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
drawn in 5 min
goin home be back on in a minute i suppose
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
drawn in 58 min
now we be rockin'
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
drawn in 2 min
eyes ^^' forgot
DieChan (Apr 13, 2004)
I wish I were one... ;___;

COOL BEANS! I like this. Love the coloring. But the profiles are off. Might wanna practice them. ;)

DRAW ME BEING BADASS NEXT TIME!!! *dances the cool-ass dance* I like swords.... yesh... swords are cool. Gtg byez!
Noremac (Apr 13, 2004)
now that you have made your ass cool, wanna get cracken on that mystery?
minion_master_tygita (edited Apr 14, 2004)
behold, the ENFORCER! (thank you for letting me have the enforcer.... fool, now all will die!!!) good job on everything! :( i spelled good wrong
Hagar4U (edited Apr 15, 2004)
Hagar stares from the forest, a smile on his face, and a ax in his hand... gleaming in the sun. I have seen the glory of these cool crusaders. If you ever need the help of the Bear Barbarian. Ill be there. GLORY TO THE EXPENDIBLES!!( the bear goes back to his cave. content with the outcome of the battle. im going to bed)
Noremac (Apr 15, 2004)
awesome, to the extreme max
15grifficorntears (Apr 17, 2004)
Xodiak (Apr 17, 2004)
Very nice drawing, you draw animal people very good. Also, Xod likes threesomes. >;)
Noremac (Apr 17, 2004)
oh yeah, threesome are definatly... hey wait... never mind
15grifficorntears (Apr 18, 2004)
don't you say it cam.
Noremac (Apr 18, 2004)
dont worry, for the sake of my sanity, ah im not even gunna go into that *sits down and twiddles finger*
Reich (edited May 5, 2004)
Cam your not least not yet...nice pic ^^
Zack (Jun 13, 2004)
I want to be a pencil ninja too, and strike fear into the hearts of cheap ceilings everywhere
inatyrb (Oct 1, 2004)
i've gotta say... this is one of my fav. pics that you drew cam!! the fearsome threesome!! haha! trish looks a tad bit.. girlish tho... and that's like not her.... hehe.. love ya trish.. and tony.. well that's him... 4 sure! well i can't wait until i make it the fearsome foursome! muhahaha.... damn hats... cant find a diff. damn color... can get ears tho... lol... i'm having issues... but yeah... awesome pic. cam... LOVE IT... well yeah!! ^-^
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