boardsbeginner...Domo-boy? <Unfinished>

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drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mkkmypet (Apr 4, 2004)
If you want to collaborate on this with me and turn it into something, go ahead and I'll add your name. ^_^;;


Hey, look at my cute picture I drew recently! ^_^
mkkmypet (Apr 4, 2004)
drawn in 42 min
marcello (Apr 4, 2004)
I highly recommend getting a book on anatomy, that picture needs it in all respects...
Deformed (Apr 4, 2004)
Um, That girl that you drew looks, wel, kinda freaky. She's fat and has gigantic boobies. I also agree with Marcello. Sorry but I'm not triing to be mean.
mkkmypet (edited Apr 4, 2004)
Hey, I'm only 9... but, I do agree. I am working on anatomy, so there. ^_^

Edit: (for replies to seperate comments =3)
Rikku: All that you said about my picture was intended.
Marcello: I think I will get a book on anatomy.
Gothic_Otaku (Apr 4, 2004)
She does look weird. How old is she supposed to be? What kind of girl is she supposed to be? What is she doing? Those are things you should really have in mind when you are drawing something. If she is supposed to be a child, her breasts are definetly too large. Her head looks square and her face looks too male-ish for it to be a girl. She doesn't look fat, but its an illusion created by the breasts, which are way too large, a sign of being fat. Hell, you draw way better thanI did when I was 9.
Oh, and please don't say 'everything is meant to be the way it is', because it's jhust plain rude when someone tries to help you and you are saying 'I don't care if it looks messed up', basically not listening to what the person has to say.

I didn't want to sound mean if I did, but I had to say it. I'm sorry. (could be because I had a partially rotten day and I was forced to eat it)
Marienkind (Apr 4, 2004)
well, at least she's getting a head start. (hell, i didn't start drawing something other than flowers till i was eleven).
mkkmypet (Apr 5, 2004)
How old is she supposed to be? 19.
What kind of girl is she supposed to be? A female ninja.
What is she doing? Training with her staff.

I knew all of those things when I started drawing, Otaku. (Her name is Lora) She IS supposed to be on the chubby side, not bulging fat or anything like that, though. Her face does look male-ish in THIS picture. I have other pictures of her drawn more recently (like, 5 days ago) I am getting better at anatomy day by day. Her breasts are supposed to be a little bit big. ^_^;;
Gothic_Otaku (Apr 5, 2004)
wel her staff is too short :) just a small detail.
mkkmypet (edited Apr 6, 2004)
The staff is supposed to be short, lol. That's her [Lora's] style.
marcello (Apr 6, 2004)
is she supposed to look like a grinning idiot as well? are her upper legs supposed to be as tall as her head? is her middle finger supposed to be shorter than her index? my first impression was that it kind of looks like rag doll made by blind people with no fingers. no offense, but having a snobby attitude is not going to get you very far (if you're such a "genius," you probably would have figured that one out long ago).
Deformed (Apr 6, 2004)
I.... *holds breath*Wont comment see ya! *walks away.*
Ty854 (edited Jun 25, 2004)
Yeah....I would think a genius would know that. And instead of trying to make up excuses like "Oh her middle finger got cut of in a battle" just take the crap you get and try to improve.... and if you skipped two grades wouldnt you be eight? I think it's just your mom TELLING you youre a genius.
Anna (Sep 25, 2005)
"my first impression was that it kind of looks like rag doll made by blind people with no fingers."
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