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Brea83 (Mar 28, 2004)
So I lied.. I didnt go to bed like I should have. Bad me, no more peppermints.But anyway, I was browsing through some of the art on the other boards, and I found some really nasty flames.. And it shocked me to see the way that some people acted. There was so much hatred, and everyone seemed to have forgotten what art really is. It's not some pretty thing to be looked at. It can be downright ugly and unfinished looking, and it can still be an amasing piece. The instructor for an oil painting class I took not long ago told me that the real art is in the process(sp?) of the painting, not the end results. Art is an outlet, art is where people(well I do at least) get away from all the things that the world weighs them down with. Art is where I pick up shattered dreams and make them real, at least to look at, and it's also the place I put my negative emotions so that they dont end up hurting me The words in this image were inspired by the deep sence of not belonging that I felt due to some of the things I read when browsing. I'm still new here, and I'm probably one of those people who take up too much space. And I don't talk very often either, usually only when I post a drawing. That sense of not belonging triggered the greater sense of not belonging at all in society. I'm not Christian, and some of the things that mainstream Christians have done over the ages frightens me, it frightens me to no end. Countless innocent people died durring the time of the witch trials. And although modern times restrict what people can do to eachother, people who dont follow everyone else are shunned a little at best, and hated at worst. Now I'm not saying that all Christians are bad or mean, I know plenty of really cool people who are Christian, but when people go too far it can be intimidating and/or offensive. Anyway, I'm rambling on far too much, I'll just write my snippet of unfinnished poetry now and be off x_x bloody hec it's 5 am, I am sooo dead. This is dedicated to anyone who is Pagan(not devil worshipers, earth worshipers) and to anyone of uncertain or non-straight sexual orientation. If I said I wasn't Christian Would you throw me in a lake? Would you beat me and accuse me If I said I wasn't Straight? I'd offer to ease your pain, To lend a listening ear, But all you speak is hatred of me and all my kin. If only I could heal my wounds with words.. Would you burn me at the steak, If I said I wasn't Christian, or If I said I wasnt Straight? (only parts of that are in the picture) Zhai'helleva *passes out due to lack of sleep*
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Dang that's embarrassing, but I've never really been the best at spelling, although I do try.. I've always had to cram before spelling tests, but merely days after said test I'll have forgotten how to spell most of the words, it's really awful.