forumsnews2draw Version 2.0 Development starts!
marcello (edited Dec 10, 2002)
Hey, this is just a friendly note that I've started working on 2draw version 2! The new site will be considerably different, with a much cleaner and easier to use interface. Plus as always there will be a slew of new features to mess around with. (But hopefully this time it won't be intimidating.)

Some notable new features include: consolidated boards, thumbnail previews on front page and user profiles, collaboration and multi-user drawing support, the "sketchpad" where you can store drawings before actually submitting them to public viewing, a buddy and favorites system... plus a lot more!

I'm certainly open to suggestions, improvements, comments, criticism, or any kind of input about the new or current site! Please help decide the future of 2draw!
furyofroy (edited Dec 11, 2002)
put a chat system in!! that would be uber-awesome!! we must push past the evil oekaki-central...
marcello (edited Dec 12, 2002)
text chat or paintchat?
furyofroy (edited Dec 12, 2002)
umm... I'd say text chat would be better, but I've never used paint chat, so I wouldn't know. Soo...text chat!
marcello (edited Dec 12, 2002)
problem with chat is that I don't have the bandwidth to run a chat system... but I'll think about it, maybe I can come up with something reasonable.
Fin_beast (edited Dec 16, 2002)
I think you should make a griffiti board that everyone can access! That would be cool! Its probably what the people above are saying.
furyofroy (edited Dec 16, 2002) was thinkin more like a text chat, with just...text. n stuff. but that's cool too.
cherikit-chan (edited Dec 26, 2002)
i could be wrong but may be more contests could help... i dunno just a thought....
furyofroy (edited Dec 28, 2002)
I concur. We definitely need more contests! I need to strut my stuff... Are we free to just declare one?
marcello (edited Dec 28, 2002)
yes, for now that's fine, but be reasonable and try to keep one per board at a time. v2 might have a contest system...
Fin_beast (edited Jan 5, 2003)
Would there be a chance on like having a notice with a hyperlink when someone comments on your work?
marcello (edited Jan 5, 2003)
I'm thinking of a 'latest comments' feature, likely. You can already see the latest comments on your own drawings by going to your user board, and sorting by comments.
Fin_beast (edited Jan 7, 2003)
ok thx
Day-chan (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Oooo!! You know what would be really cool? If two people can work on one picture! Like.. for instance.. A Really good Drawer can help another Drawer.. Or maybe two good people work on one to make a GRAND picture! Or or or.. Er.. One draw the line art and the other color! -can't color in the lines- XD! Or two new drawers help discover what each thing means or something like that! That would be really great!

n_n; Doesn't it sound nice?
marcello (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Collaboration feature is already planned. :-) Plus some even cooler related stuff...
Day-chan (edited Jan 22, 2003)
KYAAAAH!!! REEEEAAAALLY?! X3 I can't wait!! This is going to be so cool! ...'cept I'll probably wont get to see it since I already know I'm going to get ground Next friday ( Not the up coming one x_x; ). ;_; Stupid grades.
marcello (edited Jan 22, 2003)
It won't be up too soon, it's a lot of work, and I have school and job and stuff to deal with now. :-)
oh ya, and I mentioned collab support in the original message :)
Day-chan (edited Jan 22, 2003)
Yeah.. you did. n_n; I just skimmed through it and only read the "I'm certainly open to suggestions, improvements, comments, criticism, or any kind of input about the new or current site! Please help decide the future of 2draw! " part since it had Bold print! @_@; I need a new pair of glasses.
furyofroy (edited Jan 26, 2003)
i'm, like, all goosepimply!! gbleggrrrbbrbrb
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