forums2draw.netIncomplete showcase
davincipoppalag (Mar 25, 2004)
I was looking at the showcase and some of the wonderful works in there.. and I find it odd that there is not one piece from some artists who regularly knock our socks off with their work..... I think that without examples of ALL the good artists is incomplete.. ...anyone else agree with the ramblings of the old man?
sal (Mar 25, 2004)

*takes dave's crack away from him...
dixielandcutie (Mar 25, 2004) saying you think there should be a wider selection of artists in the showcase? or that every artisit's best work goes in the showcase...hmm...well. i dunno. depends on what the purpose of the showcase is...i think that just depends on what marcello wants its purpose to be...hmmm...i do think though that it might kinda defeat my current percieved purpose if i understand your comment correctly...

*makes herself dizzy* *walks away muttering* heh.
davincipoppalag (Mar 25, 2004)
I am saying that the best stuff should be in the showcase ,, and I believe some of the best stuff isn't there.
sal (edited Mar 25, 2004)
if all the best stuff was in the showcase they would be no need for dba to have a userboard/gallery...
marcello (Mar 25, 2004)
well as far as I can tell, the other mods are lazy.
dixielandcutie (edited Mar 25, 2004)
ahhh, gotcha davinci...i agree...and i agree...and haha...sal, i agree...>.< marcello: huh? you mean lazy in putting up showcase pics? lol, or answering the ramblings of the insano crowds?
concannon (Mar 25, 2004)
Yep, 'Cello hit the nail on the head.

Actually, when DBA first showed up at 2draw, I was going on a spree and shoving pics into the showcase like mad. Then I stopped, cause I got worried that I was over doing it.

And now, I'm just lazy.
safescene (edited Mar 25, 2004)
I agree with the fact that there are many pieces on 2draw that haven't been added to the showcase that, imo, are phenomenal. Although, it's difficult to judge whether or not a piece should be added simply because it's fantastic to a few people. I say that the mods are lucky that they get a say about whether or not a piece deserves to be in the showcase, 'cause gee whiz, I sure would like to ;P The showcase is simply a matter of, there are a few pieces I don't think should be in there at all (including one or two of mine, ha), but for now, I think we should just trust the mods :)

and the showcase also states: This is by no means a complete listing of all the good pieces of artwork on - so, there ya go! :)

whoa...sorry for the excessive amount of ramblings *blink, blink*
davincipoppalag (Mar 25, 2004)
I realize there are always opinions involved.. and different images appeal to different people but.. it also says it's for pictures "that deserve a second look" there are numerous works that I think would be nearly universally considered worthy of being there... I don't think many would disagree on that point...
Xodiak (Mar 28, 2004)
Do you think there is a possibility for showcase artwork entries to be removed from there? <:o
I love all artwork though, showcase or not. >:)
Deformed (Mar 28, 2004)
Awwww!! Thats so sweet Xod!! Evryone give it up for Xod!! *claps*
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