Axil62 (Mar 22, 2004)
If the "mods" are going to change the words I use in my comments to whatever they think is funny, then what's the point of commenting? If the "mods" don't think a comment is appropriate then they should just delete it instead of rewriting it and leaving my name on it.
Has anyone else ever had a "mod" erase their comment and then type in something else and leave your name on it? Is that kind of moderating acceptable to you Marcello? |
marcello (Mar 22, 2004)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Mar 23, 2004)
I just have a suggestion that might avoid this happening again.. I know this is your site, Marcello, and you've done a great job of running it, you can use the suggestion or not..
First of all, a comment should never be edited unless it is to change a url. If there is anything in it that really disturbs the peace of the site, it should be completely deleted. Changing one word, deleting some letters or even changing the punctuation can change the meaning of a comment. An artist should not be punished for the comments of others by having their drawing deleted or moved to hidden. The offensive or rule-breaking comments should be deleted from the drawing. When I first came to the site, I read the rules and actually was a little shocked to find them as sparse and vague as they were. The only thing in the rules I see that refers to the comments that could be used to edit/delete a comment with profane language or abuse was anything unnecessary that disturbs the normal peace of the site. And that particular section only discusses the basic structure of the comments, not the actual content. Of course, you could have left it at that to protect your right to edit anything you wanted to, and in that case you should leave it like that. However, if you do continue to allow comments to be edited without specific clear rules governing them you are going to have alot of what just happened when you get more and more adults (or sharp kids) here that notice what is going on. If you want to continue to edit the comments (which I don't recommend) or delete them, I believe (and this is just my opinion, of course) you should re-write the rules to where they are very clear, not vague or questionable at all. You said in regard to Axil's comment that comments would be deleted for excessive use of profanity. What is excessive? More than one word? More than two? Actually, I believe it was a comment which could be construed to be abusive that contained profanity, because if I remember correctly, there were only a couple of sentences and each one contained one profane word. Therefore, if you want to delete comments for just profanity, the rules need to be clear. If comments can be deleted (and I repeat one should never be changed) for profane content, the rules should state something clear: 1. Any comment containing the excessive use of profanity (excessive meaning a repetitive, unnecessary use of profane words, or those used within an abusive statement) will be deleted. Regarding abusive comments it should state: 2. Any comment which contains abusive or threatening content will be deleted. This way there wouldn't be any questions regarding something that is deleted (when referring to profane language or abuse). I don't think you want to completely censor speech here, (I wouldn't) but it is necessary to keep a check on it to maintain some sense of order. Again, if you want to continue to edit comments randomly the rules you have posted are fine. Also, to keep the above from being questioned, the last thing it should state is: The moderators reserve the right to apply the above rules as they deem necessary in each particular situation, and to enforce them accordingly. |
davincipoppalag (Mar 23, 2004)
seems pretty simple to me.. do those kinds of comments in here and not on the pics...also there should be some attention paid to the provocateur... I believe the comments in question were originally provoked by some name calling on another one... (which I saw before any of the responses) Now lets all go draw..
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 23, 2004)
It would be simple if you had all intelligent life form in here, but you don't. lol
marcello (Mar 23, 2004)
First of all, a comment should never be edited unless it is to change a url. If there is anything in it that really disturbs the peace of the site, it should be completely deleted. Changing one word, deleting some letters or even changing the punctuation can change the meaning of a comment.Editing is staying, but in the case of axil's comment, it should have just been deleted. An artist should not be punished for the comments of others by having their drawing deleted or moved to hidden. The offensive or rule-breaking comments should be deleted from the drawing.Merely a coincidence, it should have been set to hidden when it was submitted. You said in regard to Axil's comment that comments would be deleted for excessive use of profanity. What is excessive? More than one word? More than two? Actually, I believe it was a comment which could be construed to be abusive that contained profanity, ...I was giving a possible reason. The moderator should have given a reason for editing. Otherwise, and in light of the fact that axil was being a jackass, and comments are pretty much never edited aside from text-abuse, I don't think there are any changes in order. |
SaheraNights (Mar 23, 2004)
maybe you should keep the mod population down a bit..too much mods means too much trouble...Mean that there will be more comments fiddled with and drawings that are appropriate deleted adn choas will break out if there are too much regulate it a bit
Marienkind (Mar 23, 2004)
There are a total of seven mods:
Marcello, method3, Armando, Furyofroy, VisceralVamp, Hakkai, and mazi. The 2draw population is a little over 5000, though there are probably only about a few hundred in the list who post regularly. Still, that's alot of people. |
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 23, 2004)
Okay, I still don't like the idea of editing/changing ppl's comments. Believe they should just be deleted if they break a rule, but ... I'm just a lowly peasant girl here in Celloland and you're tha King, so.. okie dokie. *Curtsies and exits forum room backwards*
Gothic_Otaku (edited Mar 23, 2004)
remember, it's not a democracy, it's a benevolent dictatorship hahaha... well, about the comments, I've never personally had one of my comments edited, but i'm really not taking any sides here because it depends on the situation. |
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